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Presentation on theme: "Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction

2 What is Histology? Why to study Histology? Techniques on Histology How to study Histology?

3 Histology and Embryology
Histology is a science which study the microstructure and the relationship between the structure and function of human being. Embryology is a science which study the processes and regulations of development of human fetus.

4 Histology: /histo-tissue /ology-study of ,or knowledge of So, histology means the knowledge of tissue, is a branch of Anatomy a science to study the fine structure associated with its function in the human body.

5 smallest unit of structure and function of body
Cell : smallest unit of structure and function of body tissue: group of cell+extracellular metrix organ: several tissues combined orderly system:organs Which have related function get together.

6 four kinds of basic tissues
epithelium connective tissue muscular tissue nervous tissue

7 Techniques on Histology
Development of histology depends on the development of techniques. microscope light microscope(LM) electron microscope(EM)

8 the measuring unit LM : um EM : nm

9 paraffin section preparation
1. Tissue preparation paraffin section preparation The most routine one is paraffin section stained with hematoxylin and eosin(H&E) The steps: a. Obtaining the specimen: fresh, small pieces ( less than 5mm3)-tissue block b. Fixation: to avoid digestion and to preserve the structure,use fixatives( formalin ) c.  Dehydration: use ethyl alcohol to get rid of water of tissue and cell d.  Clearing: use xylene to get rid of alcohol

10 e.  Embedding: Embedding materials include paraffin and resin. Paraffin is used routinely . firstly, heat the paraffin, make it melt, then put tissue block into melted paraffin, allow paraffin harden, the tissue block is embedded in. f.   Sectioning: use microtome to cut the tissue into 3-8um thick sections, then put them on glass slides

11 2. Staining ( H&E stain) ---Hematoxylin: basic dye, combines with acidic components, make them appear blue colour basophilic

12 ---Eosin: acidic dye, combines with basic components, make them appear pink

13 electron microscope ( EM)

14 Histochemistry 1) General Histochemistry
Combine histological methods with chemical or biochemical methods, make some compositions of tissue or cell become insoluble, coloured or electron-dense, to show those chemical compositions of tissue or cell in situ, such compositions includes protein,amino acid, nucleic acid, lipid and polysaccharides.

15 Periodic acid schiff reaction(PAS reaction):
polysaccharides and glycogen

16 2) immnohistochemistry:

17 3) in situ hybridization

18 Autoradiograph Tissue culture and cell culture

19 How to study Histology?

20 Cell of Human body

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