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Doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 1 NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information;

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 1 NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information;"— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 1 NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information; they are required. This is a manual update in appropriate fields. All Blue fields are informational and are to be deleted. Black stays. After updating delete this box/paragraph. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Motion to approve 802.15/802.11n Liaison Committee Date Submitted: 16 January 2005 Source: James D. Allen, Appairent Technologies. Address: 150 Lucius Gordon Drive, Rochester, NY, 14586 Voice:585-214-2465, FAX: 585-214-2461, E-Mail: allen at Re: [] Abstract:Background and motion to create a liaison committee to 802.11n Purpose:For the purpose of supporting and making a motion Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

2 doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 2 802.15/802.11n Liaison Committee Formation January 16, 2005 Monterey, CA

3 doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 3 Background 802.11n proposals have included bonding traditional 20 MHz channels into 40 MHz channels Proposals include both 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Impact on 2.4 GHz could be catastrophic to other services such as 802.15.1 and 15.3. Impact on 5 GHz is TBD.

4 doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 4 Purpose Create a committee to work with 802.11n and 802.19 (Coexistence TAG) as their proposals develop to: –Be involved in the acceptance of the proposals –To develop analytical data to support recommendations, if necessary –To work together on the rules and conditions under which channel bonding would be allowed (802.15 could adopt same features) –Do it in a constructive way

5 doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 5 Structure Current 802.15 Members –Jim Allen – 802.15 and 15.3 –Tom Siep – 802.15.1 –Volunteers are welcomed First Meeting – Thursday 1/20/2005, – Location and Time TBD

6 doc.:IEEE 15-05-0045-00-0000 Submission January 2005 James Allen, Appairent TechnologiesSlide 6 WG Motion To allow Mr. Allen and Mr. Siep to create a committee to represent 802.15 TGs in discussions and debates with 802.11,.11n and 802.19, for the purpose to protect the usefulness of application of it’s standards, and to report the results to WG at closing plenary meetings. Moved: Jim Allen, Seconded: Tom Siep For____, Against_____, Abstain____

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