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Role of Technology in Indian Elections. Election in India Biggest Democratic Vote Over 800 Million Indians Voting.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Technology in Indian Elections. Election in India Biggest Democratic Vote Over 800 Million Indians Voting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Technology in Indian Elections

2 Election in India Biggest Democratic Vote Over 800 Million Indians Voting

3 Political parties Many differeent Parties Nationalist Congress Party Bharatiya Janata Party

4 Role of technology

5 Innovative Startups New Companies were founded Voxta helps bring information to voters Frrole helps collect data

6 Social Media Social Media Plays a huge role Gives mood of populace

7 Technology in other ways Technology is seen in other ways Voting Machines used for election

8 Technology Predictions Many predictions made about who may win Polling puts different parties ahead of others

9 Election results Election is not done yet Different parties already seem dominate

10 Conclusion Technology plays a huge role in any election Technology is an advantage to win

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