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9/29 – Compelling Question  What are some reasons Europeans would want to explore other parts of the world?

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Presentation on theme: "9/29 – Compelling Question  What are some reasons Europeans would want to explore other parts of the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/29 – Compelling Question  What are some reasons Europeans would want to explore other parts of the world?

2 9/30 – Compelling Question  Do governmental leaders have a right to expand their territory?


4 Fall of Rome  After Rome was destroyed by invading barbarian tribes, all that was left was the Eastern part of the Empire.  This was called the Byzantine Empire.  It’s capital was Constantinople, named after Emperor Constantine.




8 Turks Move Into Byzantium  Byzantine Empire was declining  Anatolia was inhabited mostly by Islamic Turks.  They saw themselves as “ghazis” – warriors of Islam.  Osman was the greatest ghazi of all.  He built up a small kingdom in Anatolia between 1300 and 1326.


10 Ottoman Military Success  Ottomans – Followers of Osman were very successful Knew how to use gunpowder for muskets and cannons  Orkhan I – Osman’s son declares himself “sultan”.  1361 – Conquers Adrianople – 2 nd largest Byzantine city.


12 The Emerging Ottoman Empire  The Ottoman’s improved the lives of conquered people.  Ruled through local officials hired by the sultan.  All Muslims were required to serve in the Ottoman military. Non-Muslims had to pay tax instead.

13 Expansion  Orkhan son’s fought over who would rule. (Mehmed I became sultan)  His son, Murad II, conquered Venice, invaded Hungary, and defeated Italian crusaders.  Murad’s son, Mehmed II, conquered Constantinople (Capital of Byzantines)


15 Mehmed the Conquerer  After sacking Constantinople he opened it up to people from all religions. Christians and Jews.  All helped rebuild city into greatest in world.  Now called “Instanbul”.  Mehmed II’s grandson, Selim the Grim, conquered North Africa, Egypt, Jerusalem, and Mecca.




19 Bell Ringer 2/9  What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire? Who conquered it? What did he rename it?

20 Current Events 2/9  1) Why are the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine meeting today?  2) In what country is there fighting going on in Europe?  3) What is Great Britains national anthem?  4) Who is currently the head monarch of Great Britain?  5) What were the Crusades?

21 Suleyman the Lawgiver  1520 – Selim’s son, Suleyman, came to the throne. Known to Europeans as Suleyman the Magnificent.  Increased empires size and grandeur.  Threatened to take over Europe. Was most powerful man in world.


23 Ottoman Map 1

24 Suleiman  Ruled from 1520-1566  Made Ottoman Empire the richest & most powerful empire in Europe and Southwest Asia at the time

25 Suleiman  Greatest Ottoman leader of all time  Brought justice & harmony by publishing a code of laws (“The Lawgiver”)  Feared & respected by Europeans  Turned Istanbul into a great center of art, music, writing, and philosophy  Wrote some of the most beautiful poetry of his time

26 Suleiman Pic

27 Expansion  Suleiman believed that the entire world was his possession as a gift of God.  Vast amounts of Islamic territories were annexed or invaded.  Very strong military  Expert in developing gunpowder as a military tool

28 Islam Map

29 The Muslim Ottoman Empire eventually controlled what is now:  Turkey  Egypt  Greece  Bulgaria  Romania  Macedonia  Hungary  Palestine  Jordan  Lebanon  Syria  Much of the coastal strip of North Africa  Parts of Arabia

30 Trade Located on major trade routes between Europe & Asia Some goods traded were:  Silk & other cloth  Rhubarb  Porcelain from China  Spices such as pepper  Dyes such as indigo

31 Trade map

32 John Green Ottomans

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