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2 THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE 1299-1918 (began in Turkey)
Osman, a Turkish warrior and a Muslim, conquered the last of the Byzantine villages Osman’s many followers were called Ottomans The Muslim Ottoman Empire controlled what is now Turkey and parts of N. Africa, SW Asia, and SE Europe

3 Osman  First Ottoman Sultan
Ottoman rulers were called Sultans allowed Christians and Jews to worship as long as they paid a tax

4 Ottoman Empire’s Rapid Growth
By 1451, the Ottomans ruled many cities in the Middle East and Europe 1453: Ottomans took Constantinople (Istanbul) and made it the capital of the Ottoman Empire

5 Constantinople (Istanbul)
One of the largest cities of the time Center for culture and learning

6 Constantinople An unknown painter of the Italian school created this view looking down over the busy Constantinople harbor.

7 Architecture and Art The Parthenon:
The Greek culture's primitive beginnings were in the times of Ancient Greece and developed substantially throughout the periods of the Roman Empire, and Ottoman Empire

8 Architecture and Art The Parthenon:
The Greek culture's primitive beginnings were in the times of Ancient Greece and developed substantially throughout the periods of the Roman Empire, and Ottoman Empire

9 Architecture and Art Venetian relations with the Ottoman Empire were sustained by trade, but punctuated by conflict.. A Venetian painter depicted the “Action of August 27, 1661,” a battle in which the combined forces of Venice and Malta—22 ships—defeated a Turkish fleet of 36 galleys.

10 Sultan Selim I Ruled 1512 to 1520 Given keys to Mecca Took Ottoman Empire further south and east Present-day areas of Syria, Israel, and Egypt

11 Sultan Selim I

12 Sultan Suleyman I Son of Sultan Selim I
He was greatly admired by everyone Known as “Suleyman the Magnificant” Set up fair laws

13 Sultan Suleyman I Ruled 1520 to1566 Expanded empire to the west


15 Suleyman built mosques that made the capital beautiful
The mosque was built between 1609 and 1616 by order of the Sultan Ahmed I, after whom it is named. He is buried in the mosque's precincts. It is located in the oldest part of Istanbul, in what was before 1453 the centre of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire.

16 16th century Golden Age of Ottoman Empire
During Suleyman I reign, the Ottoman Empire was the richest and most powerful in Europe and SW Asia Controlled trade of southwest Asia and Europe’s access to goods from the east By 1566, Suleyman I died but was the best known Muslim leader in the world

17 Impact of Ottoman’s Rule
All Ottoman rulers followed Islam As the empire grew, Islamic culture spread Western Europe was mainly a Christian culture The West treated the Ottoman Empire as a threat because of the large Islamic population European Christians feared the spread of Islam

18 Fear affects Trade All trade routes to the east were Ottoman controlled – the Empire had access to the Persian Gulf, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Europe and Asia were linked by Ottoman trade routes. Many European traders did not want to trade with the Ottomans because of the fear of Islam Therefore, Western Europeans began to search for other ways to reach Asia This search led to the Age of Exploration in Europe

19 Decline of the Ottoman Empire
After Suleyman’s death, the Empire declined over the next 300 years The empire gained and lost territory often First, the empire lost parts of Europe. It was called the “Sick Man of Europe.” Due to the fear of Islam, Europe did not want to trade with the Ottomans Led to economic decline and weakness Europe able to take back territories

20 Before Decline

21 Decline

22 Decline continued… By 1800s, empire near bankrupt and could not compete with Europe In the early 1900s, Ottoman empire very weak and therefore sided with the Central Powers in WWI Allied Powers (England, France, Russia, and the USA) won WWI Not good enough by 1918, Ottoman Empire ended Treaty of Sevres split the land of the empire among the Allied powers October 29, 1923 modern Turkish republic declared

23 Ottoman Empire WWI

24 Turkey One of the first members of the United Nations
Today, Turkey is the largest Muslim country in Europe

25 Turkey Map

26 Exit Ticket How did trade affect the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire? In complete sentences, state two contributing factors for both the rise and fall of the empire.

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