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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary

2 uni nationi, Deo ducente,
fidem meam obligo vexillo civitatium Americae Foederatarum et rei publicae pro qua stat uni nationi, Deo ducente, non dividendae cum libertate iustitiaque omnibus

3 Grammar

4 Personal Pronouns ego I nōs We vōs Ya’ll Singular Plural 1st 2nd
tū You vōs Ya’ll 3rd ---

5 Present Tense sum, esse- “I am, to be”
Singular Plural 1st sum I am sumus we are 2nd es you are estis ya’ll are 3rd est s/he/it is sunt they are

6 Scribite Quattuor Sententias (BUT use the verb “to be” this time)
Ego _____sum_____ defessus/a. Tū _____es_____ insanus/a. Nōs _____sumus_____ laetissimī/ae. Vōs ____estis______ callidissimī/ae. Example: Vōs estis callidissimī! (Ya’ll are very smart!)

7 Present Tense sum, esse- “I am, to be”
Singular Plural 1st ego sum I am nos sumus we are 2nd tu es you are vos estis ya’ll are 3rd est s/he/it is sunt they are

8 Imperfect Tense How is it translated? I was _____ing We were _____ing You were ______ing Ya’ll were _____ing He/She/it was ______ing They were ____ing

9 Imperfect Tense How is it formed? 2nd Principal Part moneo, monēre
Drop –re monē 3) Add –ba– monēba 4) Add Personal Endings monēbam *Imperfect Sheep!!! BA!!!

10 Practice Singular Plural Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī”
(I warn, to warn, I warned) in the Imperfect Tense. Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

11 Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī” (I warn, to warn, I warned) IMPERFECT TENSE
Pl. 1st monebam I was warning monebamus We were warning 2nd monebas You were warning monebatis Ya’ll were warning 3rd monebat S/He/It was warning monebant They were warning

12 Conjugate “amo, amāre, amāvī” (I love, to love, I loved) IMPERFECT TENSE
Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

13 Conjugate “amo, amāre, amāvī” (I love, to love, I loved) IMPERFECT TENSE
Singular Plural 1st amabam I was loving amabamus We were loving 2nd amabas You were loving amabatis You (pl.)/Ya’ll were loving 3rd amabat He/she/it was loving amabant They were loving

14 Perfect Tense How is it translated? I ______ed We ______ed You ______ed Ya’ll ______ed He/She/it ______ed They ______ed

15 Perfect Tense How is it formed? 3rd Principal Part
moneo, monēre, monuī Drop –ī monu- 3) Add PERFECT Personal Endings monuistī *The Perfect Tense is sooooooo Perfect… that it gets its OWN set of endings!

16 Perfect Tense Personal Endings
Singular Plural 1st -imus 2nd -istī -istis 3rd -it -ērunt *Iron Man Theme Song*

17 Practice Singular Plural Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī”
(I warn, to warn, I warned) in the Perfect Tense. Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

18 Conjugate “moneō, monēre, monuī” (I warn, to warn, I warned) in the PERFECT Tense.
Singular Plural 1st monuī I warned monuimus We warned 2nd monuistī You warned monuistis Ya’ll warned 3rd monuit S/He/It warned monuērunt They warned

19 Translation

20 “Hermogenēs” Vertite ad paginam… Fabula Formārum Virgārum!!!

21 in basilicā Pg. 58 Groups of trēs
Translate into English, practice in English, practice in Latin

22 “Actorēs” Vertite ad paginam… Fabula Formārum Virgārum!!!

23 “Poppaea” – pg. 77 Translate, practice Latin AND English Groups of 4
Lucrio amicus/Grumio narrator (italics) agricolae et pueri (played by Magistra)

24 “pugna” pg. 90 Work with a partner- translate one story together and create an illustration on the opposite side NEED: Picture & Caption in lingua Latina

25 “Fēlīx” – pg. 91 Groups of three Jobs:
Scriptor: One sheet of notebook paper with ENGLISH translation Pictor: Three colored pictures on computer paper with three LATIN captions Scrutator: Checking vocabulary

26 “Felix et fur” – pg. 92 If you are going to be absent tomorrow, complete it for homework I am checking for ACCURACY and COMPLETION of translation Due: Wednesday Nov. 9th WATCH your tenses carefully 

27 Calescite

28 Decline femina, feminae f. (woman)
Calescite! Decline femina, feminae f. (woman) ? Declension Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

29 1st Declension Singular Plural Nominative femina feminae Genitive feminārum Dative feminīs Accusative feminam feminās Ablative feminā

30 Calescite Translate the following underlined words from Latin to English: Pictor ad villam venit. Argentarius ad navem ambulat. Quintus matrem vocat. Ecce! Eheu! Euge! Caecilius Melissam emit.

31 Calescite! Write the following sentences in Latin,
then translate into English. Clēmēns est servus. ego sum servus. Clēmēns in cubiculō laborat. ego in cubiculō laborō. Caecilius est argentarius. tū es argentarius. Caecilius pecuniam numerat. tū pecuniam numeras.

32 Calescite! Translate the following sentences from English to Latin.
The slave girl greets Caecilius. I have a ship. Caecilius and Grumio love Melissa. I’m on a boat!

33 Calescite! ancilla Caecilium salutat. ego navēs habeo.
Caecilius et Grumio Melissam amant. ego sum in nave!

34 Decline servus, servī, m. (slave)
Calescite! Decline servus, servī, m. (slave) 2nd Decl. S. Pl. Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Abl.

35 WHY? 2nd Decl. S. Pl. servus servī servōrum servō servīs servum servōs
Nom. servus servī Gen. servōrum Dat. servō servīs Acc. servum servōs Abl. Which form would you use to say: The slaves ran after the dog. The dogs ran after the slaves. WHY?

36 Calescite! Singular Plural Conjugate “moneō, monēre” (I warn, to warn)
in the Present Tense. UBI EST ANGLICA?????? Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

37 Conjugate “moneō, monēre” (I warn, to warn) PRESENT TENSE
Pl. 1st moneo I warn monemus We warn 2nd mones You warn monetis Ya’ll warn 3rd monet S/He/It warns monent They warn

38 Calescite! Scribete in lingua Latina et in Anglice:
Caecilius pecuniam quaerit. ego in foro negotium ago. “sed amicus est mendax,” inquit Caecilius. *What case is “mendax”? Define these terms: eheu! ecce! lares duoviri

39 Decline imperator, imperatoris m. (emperor)
Calescite! Decline imperator, imperatoris m. (emperor) ??? Declension Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

40 3rd Declension Singular Plural Nominative imperator imperatorēs Genitive imperatoris imperatorum Dative imperatorī imperatoribus Accusative imperatorem Ablative imperatore

41 Calescite! Hint: create/use 1st Declension chart 
Change from singular to plural, keeping the same case: agricolae [genitive] 2) viā 3) fēminam ) vīlla Change from plural to singular, keeping the same case: agricolīs [dative] 2) puellae 3) viās ) vīllīs [ablative]

42 Decline corpus, corporis neuter, body (ooooh, creepy!) 3rd declension
Calescite! Decline corpus, corporis neuter, body (ooooh, creepy!) 3rd declension

43 3rd Declension Singular Plural Nominative corpus corpora Genitive corporis corporum Dative corporī corporibus Accusative Ablative corpore

44 Decline rēx, rēgis m., king Derivatives?
Calescite! Decline rēx, rēgis m., king Derivatives?

45 3rd Declension Singular Plural Nominative ★ rēx -ēs regēs Genitive -is regis -um regium Dative -ī regī -ibus regibus Accusative -em regem -ēs regēs Ablative -e rege

46 Decline virtūs, virtūtis f. (courage, manliness)
Calescite! Decline virtūs, virtūtis f. (courage, manliness) 3rd Declension Singular Plural Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Ablative

47 3rd Declension Singular Plural Nominative virtūs virtūtēs Genitive virtūtis virtūtum Dative virtūtī virtūtibus Accusative virtūtem Ablative virtūte

48 Calescite! Scribe in lingua Latina et in Anglice:
1)ubi est mea pecunia? 2) iuvenis adest. 3) iudex est laetus. Conjugate “ambulō, ambulāre” (I walk, to walk) in the Present Tense.

49 Conjugate “videō, vidēre”
Calescite! Conjugate “videō, vidēre” (I see, to see) in the IMPERFECT Tense. Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

50 Conjugate “videō, vidēre” (I see, to see) IMPERFECT TENSE
Pl. 1st videbam I was seeing videbamus We were seeing 2nd videbas You were seeing videbatis Ya’ll were seeing 3rd videbat S/He/It was seeing videbant They were seeing

51 Conjugate “laudō, laudāre”
Calescite! Conjugate “laudō, laudāre” (I praise, to praise) in the IMPERFECT Tense. Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

52 Conjugate “laudō, laudāre” (I praise, to praise) in the IMPERFECT Tense.
Pl. 1st laudabam I was praising laudabamus We were praising 2nd laudabas You were praising laudabatis Ya’ll were praising 3rd laudabat S/He/It was praising laudabant They were praising

53 Conjugate “clamō, clamāre”
Calescite! Conjugate “clamō, clamāre” (I shout, to shout) in the IMPERFECT Tense. Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

54 Conjugate “clamō, clamāre” (I shout, to shout) in the IMPERFECT Tense.
Pl. 1st clamabam I was shouting clamabamus We were shouting 2nd clamabas You were shouting clamabatis Ya’ll were shouting 3rd clamabat S/He/It was shouting clamabant They were shouting

55 Calescite Singular Plural
Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Perfect Tense Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

56 Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Perfect Tense
Singular Plural 1st laudavī I praised laudavimus We praised 2nd laudavistī You praised laudavistis Ya’ll praised 3rd laudavit S/He/It praised laudavērunt They praised

57 Calescite Singular Plural
Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Imperfect Tense Singular Plural 1st 2nd 3rd

58 Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Imperfect Tense
Singular Plural 1st laudabam I was praising laudabamus We were praising 2nd laudabas You were praising laudabatis Ya’ll were praising 3rd laudabat S/He/It was praising laudabant They were praising

59 Previous Work

60 Previous Work Stage 3 Test Stage 4 Test Stage 5 Test Stg. 4 PTL
Stg. 4 Derivatives Stg. 5 Derivatives

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