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Qualitative research Seven approaches.

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1 Qualitative research Seven approaches

2 Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen, Anthem

3 Inquire, understand, act
Deliberate study Made public Subject to criticism (and defense!) Stenhouse, (19xx)

4 Seven approaches to inquiry
Narrative Phenomenological Grounded theory Ethnographic Case study Conceptual Action research

5 Narrative Candinin and Connolly (2000) “stories lived and told”
single individual themes, epiphanies, disruptions, silences, deconstruction

6 Phenomenological van Manen (1990); Moustakas (1994)
“grasp the very nature of the thing” what do all participants have in common as they experience the phenomenon?

7 Grounded theory Glaser & Strauss (1967); Charmaz (2006)
theory emerges from data examines actions, interactions, social processes repositions authority

8 Ethnographic Mead (1930); Wolcott (1999); Apple (1992)
detailed description of a culture-sharing group analysis of values and patterns critical ethnography – an advocacy perspective

9 Case study Denzin & Lincoln (2005)
an issue examined via one or more cases in a bounded system (time, place) focus is understanding the complexity of the case

10 Conceptual research Greene (2000); Fenstermacher (1994); Cuban (1992); Noddings (2003) a concept is examined from a new lens an action or condition is explored as against the concept focus is a new understanding of the concept and/or a new way to act

11 Action research Lewin (1940); Schon (1983); Kemmis, (1988); McNiff (1988) individuals examine their own experience goal is change, improvement hallmark of professionalism act, observe, reflect

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