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Latin America “Big Stick” diplomacy – Created by President Roosevelt – Use a strong military to achieve America’s goals – Use all of your advantages to.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin America “Big Stick” diplomacy – Created by President Roosevelt – Use a strong military to achieve America’s goals – Use all of your advantages to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin America “Big Stick” diplomacy – Created by President Roosevelt – Use a strong military to achieve America’s goals – Use all of your advantages to become an international leader

2 Latin America Puerto Rico – Remained under US military control after the Spanish-American War – The Foraker Act established a civil government in Puerto Rico and was the first of several steps towards citizens gaining citizenship rights – Remains a territory of the United States today (voted towards statehood in 2012)

3 Latin America Cuba – The Teller Amendment prevented the US from colonizing Cuba after the war, but troops remained on the island until 1902 – The US was concerned that other world powers would use the island as a base of operations – Passed the Platt Amendment Prevented Cuba from signing treaties with any other nation without US approval US could use Cuban naval stations US could intervene to preserve order in Cuba

4 Latin America The Panama Canal – The French had tried (and failed) to build a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in Panama for year – When the US gained control of the canal rights, Columbia (in control of Panama at the time) refused to let construction begin – Roosevelt sent a fleet of ships to Panama to help the uprising over Columbia It worked! Panama became independent and a deal was reached for construction to begin

5 Latin America The Panama Canal – Opened in 1914, cutting 8,000 nautical miles off the trip from the west coast to the east coast of the United States – Led to scientific breakthroughs in battling tropical diseases

6 Latin America Updates to policy – Latin American countries were struggling to pay debts to European powers, leading to armed tension in the region – Required an update to the Monroe Doctrine by the United States Roosevelt Corollary: in situations where European nations were justified in using military force against a Latin American country, the US would serve the role as a police power and restore order

7 Latin America Updates to policy – President Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” Increase American investments in business and banks throughout Latin America Invest in plantations, mines, oil, rail Prepared to use military intervention, when necessary

8 Latin America Updates to policy – Americans were growing tired of the amount of money and military force that was being used in Latin America – The election of President Wilson in 1912 marked a shift in foreign policy once again “Moral Diplomacy”: The US would never conquer another nation, but would instead work to promote human rights, national integrity, and opportunity Did not fully prevent military intervention

9 Latin America Mexico – Had spent years under a system of control by a small, wealthy class of landowners – Several shifts in power occurred, eventually backed by American military intervention in 1914 – American support could not sustain the new government, leading to another rebellion led by Francisco “Pancho” Villa – Villa invaded New Mexico, killing Americans and leading 10,000 American troops on a chase for almost a year – America eventually withdrew from Mexico due to the escalation of WWI in Europe

10 Guiding Question How did the United States become a global power?

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