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JOIN THE REVOLUTION! Liberate New Granada. New Granada  Spanish viceroyalty  Includes present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama.

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Presentation on theme: "JOIN THE REVOLUTION! Liberate New Granada. New Granada  Spanish viceroyalty  Includes present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOIN THE REVOLUTION! Liberate New Granada

2 New Granada  Spanish viceroyalty  Includes present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama

3 Creole Discontent  Creole – Spanish citizens born in the American colony  Wanted free trade with North America and the rest of Europe  Hated royal taxes  Treated unfairly compared to Spanish-born peninsulares  Attracted to Enlightenment and French Revolution ideas

4 Juntas  During Napoleon’s reign  Creoles established juntas – regional political committees  To protect their interests and promote self- government while the monarchy was deposed  Ended the special treatment of peninsulares  Rise of Creole influence

5 A Great Leader – Simón Bolivar  Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco  Military general  Strong supporter of independence and the creation of a republic  Known as “The Liberator” for helping to free New Granada, Peru, and Bolivia

6 Results of the Revolution  December 1824, Bolivar defeats Spanish royalists at Battle of Ayacucho  New Granada unites into the Republic of Gran Colombia  Wealthy Creole merchants took control of social and political life  Free trade, more democracy

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