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Motivation. Motive it mean something that incites the organism to an action and to sustains and gives direction to action once the organism has been aroused,

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation. Motive it mean something that incites the organism to an action and to sustains and gives direction to action once the organism has been aroused,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation

2 Motive it mean something that incites the organism to an action and to sustains and gives direction to action once the organism has been aroused, like mothering in motive, fighting is motive. A child practices on the piano. A dogs buries a bone. A force sends a man to the moon. Motive like drive but it is more complex. We can call it is an organised drive which direct the organism toward the goal.

3 Motivated behavior has two main aspects 1.Activating or energizing aspects. 2.Directional aspect.  The activating: means the change that occurs between sleeping and waking. Between being relaxed and tense. Heart beat: in a motivated behaviour. Digestion: in a motivated behaviour. Breathing: in a motivated behaviour.  As a role all more complex behaviour motivated and controlled.

4 1.People differ in their strength of their motivational disposition. 2.At any one time the relevant behaviour not correspond to the strengths of persisting dispositions.  Conditions appropriate to the arousal of one disposition would not be appropriate to the arousal of the other. Conflict: It is a state of discomfort of mind due to unsettled or unsolved problem.

5 The relation of motives to behaviour  Nest building is motive.  Mothering is motive. Motive goal  Fighting in motive and so on Motive Block Barrier (Conflict) Some approaches to a theory of human motivations.

6 As a rule all learned behaviour is motivations and controlled. Human being need satisfaction اشباع الغرائز Satisfaction of human need, if the need is not satisfy this will lead to tension الشعور بعدم الراحة Anxiety الشعور بالقلق Miserable الشعور بالتعاسة Discomfort الشعور بعدم الراحة Need aim pleasure drive reduction

7 The theory of motivations are 1.Psychoanalytic theory: Motive of sex, aggression. 2.Behaviour theory: Motives of needs learning process. 3.Cognitive theory: Focuses attention upon man’s awareness of what is going on.

8 4. The psychoanalytic theory of motivations Psychoanalysis apart from its purposes in treating neurotic disorders best known psychology of human motivations.  The two basic drives that Freud treated were sex and aggression, these two seemed to be the most powerful of human motives as they were presented to him in his study of disturbed people. Freud believed that sex and aggression were found early in the child’s life.

9  Sex expressed in the pleasure derived from stimulating the sensitive zones of the body so that are not directly sexual.  Aggression such as hitting or biting aggressive motive repressed under unconscious mind, aggression is one of the consequence of frustration. Sex motive undergoes more sever repression. The theory of unconscious motives is one of common one of the psychoanalytic theory.  The behaviour from which unconscious motives are inferred.

10 Several behaviour through which unconscious motives are expressed. 1.The dreamer often expresses in his dreams wishes of which he is unaware. 2.Unconscious mannerism and slips of speech are hidden motives. 3.Symptoms of neurotic illness shown to severe unconscious motives or needs of an individual. These show us that there are unconscious motives.

11 Behaviour theory of motivation This theory explain the stimulates-response relationships and learning (Habit information). The following steps are used in study human motivations: 1. The motives that defines a behaviour system can be find out from early childhood.

12 2. The methods of socializing: Each cultures uses their method of behaving in order to satisfy the motive and punishes the attempt to satisfy the motive of other culture. 3. The variation among cultures depend in part upon the differences in socialization practices within those cultures and even within the culture variation may be caused by individual variation.

13 Behaviour related to the hunger drive the hunger drive leads to all manner of food-related behaviour started from early life when the helpless infant need for nutrients.

14 Behaviour related to the dependency motives The early dependency of the infant upon the adults who care for him, regarding his feeding, handling may make her relationship of special important in the development of the dependency motive.

15 Cognitive theory of motivation The individual is motivated according to his cognition. When the individual knows what he wants, knows the effort to overcome the obstacles he met, knows the satisfying result he can formulate his goal, so behaviour that is directed toward such a goal is clearly purposeful.

16 An individual can make plan and carry them out, he knows where he wants to be at a particular time and what he wants to do there.  People differ in their capacities to formulate and fulfill plans just as they differ in their capacities to solve intellectual problems.  the success motivations and the avoidance of failure are also concerned with how a person sees himself.

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