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Introduction to Javascript. What is javascript?  The most popular web scripting language in the world  Used to produce rich thin client web applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Javascript. What is javascript?  The most popular web scripting language in the world  Used to produce rich thin client web applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Javascript

2 What is javascript?  The most popular web scripting language in the world  Used to produce rich thin client web applications  Supported by all browsers  Designed to make web pages more interactive  A scripting language is a lightweight programming language where code lines are interpreted and executed “on the fly” without being compiled  Syntax is similar to C

3 What can javascript do?  Manipulates  HTML  CSS  Validates and stores data  Reacts to events  Produce reusable web widgets  Can be used to build complex, interactive desktop-like user interfaces that run in a browser

4 Including javascript on a page  javascript can be included on the same page between tags alert(“My javascript alert message”); Hello World This is a paragraph

5 Including javascript on a page  There can be an external link to a javascript file  This is the preferred approach  Allows packaging and reuse  src can be an absolute url e.g. “” or a relative url “scripts/loader.js” Hello World This is a paragraph

6 Manipulating HTML text via javascript TEC 319 Web Page First Paragraph document.getElementById(“main").innerHTML="JavaScript is cool";

7 Writing directly to Document Output Test Web Page document.write(" Modified JavaScript Page ");

8 javascript syntax  javascript is case sensitive  statements always end in a semicolon ;  document.getElementById(“name”).innerHtml = “John Doe”;  Each javascript statement is executed sequentially in the order that it is written  tags can be placed anywhere on the page but are normally placed between tags or at the bottom of the page for performance reasons

9 javascript comments // Used to comment out a single line /* Used to used for multiple lines to comment out an entire Block of text or code */

10 javascript variables  Used as containers to store information var firstName=“Tim”; var lastName= “Smith”; var person = {firstName : “Time”, lastName : “Smith”}; var students = [“Jim Smith”, “Jane Adams”,”Henry Thomas”]; var name=“John”, age=30, job = “programmer”;  If var is not used, then variables will be global in scope (i.e. they will be accessible to all other scripts)

11 javascript variables  Are case sensitive (a and A are two different variables)  Must begin with a letter, the $ character or an underscore

12 Local javascript variables  These are declared using var  When variables are declared this way, they become local and can only be accessed from within that function  The variable has a local scope  eg function displayGreeting(name) { var greeting = “Hello “ + name; document.getElementById(“greeting”).innerHtml = gretting; }

13 Global javascript variables  These are defined outside of functions (or even inside functions)  They are are accessible to all scripts and functions on the web page  They are not prefaced by “var”  e.g. multiplier = 10;

14 Javascript functions  Often we want to control when javascript executes (i.e. in response to some event on a page)  We can create functions to contain our scripts and call the function when an event occurs function myFunction() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML ="My First JavaScript Function"; } My Web Page A Paragraph Try it

15 Defining functions  function functionName() { //function code goes here }  Functions can contain arguments and can return values function add(num1, num2) { var sum = num1 + num2; return sum; //return num1 + num2; -- shortened version }

16 javascript datatypes  Javascript is not a strongly typed language  Some of the basic dataypes that exist include  Strings var user = “ID34949”;  Numbers var amount = 20;  Booleans var isAuthenticated = true;

17 javascript datatypes  Arrays var colors = [“red”,”green”,”blue”]; Can be accessed by their indices (0 based) colors[1] is “green”  Objects var person = {firstName : “James”, lastName : “Smith”, id : “1234A”}; Object properties can be accessed by their indices person[“lastName”] is “Smith”  Null or undefined var total; or var total = null; If value was never defined, then its value is undefined if(typeof name !== “undefined”) { //check to see that name is not undefined } or if (!name) { //check to see that name is defined and has a vale }

18 javascript arithmetic operators Given that y = 5

19 javascript assignment operators Given that x = 10 and y = 5

20 The + operator  Can be used in addition or to add string variables or text values together var text1 = “Hello There.”; var text2 = “How are you?”; var text3 = text1 + “ “ + text2; The value of text3 is: Hello There. How are you?

21 The + operator  var num1= 10, num2 = 15;  var result = num1 + num2;  The value of result is: 25 Other examples : x = 5 + 5; y = “5” + 5; z = “Hello” + 5; The result of x, y and z are: 10 55 Hello5

22 Comparisons Given that x = 5

23 Logical Operators  Given that x=6 and y=3

24 Conditional or ternary operators  variablename = (condition) ? value1 : value2;  if c0ndition is true, value1 will be the result  if condition is false, value2 will be the result  eg.  var x = 12;  var y = x >20 ? 5 : 10;  var eligible = x<10 ? “no” : “yes”;

25 Conditional Statements  if statement – used to execute code if only a specific condition is true  if else statement – used to execute one condition or another if only two conditions are possible  if else if…else statement – used to select and execute one of many possible options or conditions if they are present  switch statement – used to select one of many possible outcomes

26 If statement if (condition) { //execute some code here } var x = 20; if( x < 25) { x = x + 30; }

27 If else statement if (condition) { //do some logic } else { // do alternative logic } var greeting = “”; if(hour <12) { greeting =“Good morning”; } else { greeting = “Good afternoon;” }

28 If else if … else if (condition) { //do some logic } else if { // do alternative logic } else if { //alternative logic } else { //final catch all condition } var greeting = “”; if(hour <12) { greeting =“Good morning”; } else if(hour < 18) { greeting = “Good afternoon;” } else { greeting = “Good evening”; }

29 Switch var count = 2; switch (count){ case 1 : //do some logic break; case 2: //do some logic break; default: //default logic here break; }

30 Looping  For loop for (variable=startvalue;variable<endvalue;variable=variabl e+increment) { code to be executed } e.g. for ( var i=0; i < 10; i ++) { console.log(i); }

31 Looping  While loop While (some condition is true) { //Execute some code } var i = 10, sum=0; while (i<20) { sum += i; i++; }

32 Looping do { code to be executed } while (variable<endvalue); Loop will always be executed at least once e.g. var i = 10; do { console.log(i);i++; } while(i<10);

33 Break statement  Helps break out of a loop  for (i=0;i<10;i++) { if (i==3) { console.log(“Got here!”); break; } i++; }

34 For in statement  Allows you to loop over the keys of an object var person={fname:"John",lname:"Doe",age:25}; for (x in person) { txt=txt + “ “ + person[x]; } alert (txt);

35 Exception handling try { //Run some code here } catch(e) { //Handle errors here }

36 Throwing exceptions var x=prompt("Enter a number between 5 and 10:",""); try { if(x>10) { throw "Err1"; } else { alert(x); } } catch(err) { //handle exception here }

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