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The Beginning of Rome. How was Rome founded? By whom? When? Where?

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Presentation on theme: "The Beginning of Rome. How was Rome founded? By whom? When? Where?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Beginning of Rome

2 How was Rome founded? By whom? When? Where?


4 Before Rome… 4 Groups of people lived on the Italian Peninsula and surrounding areas. Etruscans Carthaginians Greeks Latins


6 Rome—600 B.C. Greek city-state model Ruled by a chieftain or king, known as rex. The king had help from a council or senate. Members of the senate were leading citizens of Rome. Senate comes from the Latin word senex meaning “old man.” The Roman government was a monarchy. Monarchy : a form of government in which a country is ruled by a king or queen

7 Etruscan Influences Government Language Deities Military Society

8 Roman Society Two classes: Patricians : upper class citizens Plebeians : small landowners and tenant farmers

9 A Republic is Formed In 509 B.C., a group of patricians drove out the last Etruscan king and proclaimed Rome an independent republic. Republic: A form of government in which the leader is not a king or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote. The citizens have the power.

10 Back to Romulus and Remus Read the two versions of the legend of Romulus and Remus. Compare and contrast the stories on the Venn diagram. Then, answer this question: Which of these stories do you think is most believable? Why?

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