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The Bill of Rights Amendments 1 - 10 of the Constitution.

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1 The Bill of Rights Amendments 1 - 10 of the Constitution

2 Amendment 1 Freedom of Speech -You can say (or show) whatever you like in public places as long as it does not lead to any harm.

3 Amendment 1 Freedom of Religion  1. The government can not do anything to benefit or harm any religion. Separation of Church and State  2. Any and every religion is free to practice.

4 Amendment 1 Freedom of the Press  You are allowed to print / publish anything you want as long as it does not spread false accusations or give away secrets to U.S. enemies.

5 Amendment 1 Freedom of assembly  You have the right to use public property for demonstrations, parades, protests, etc. As long as you do not cause destruction, harm, or break the law.

6 Amendment 1 Freedom to petition  You have the right to question the government and ask it to correct its wrongs.

7 Amendment 2 Right to Bear Arms  You have the right to own a firearm (with some limitations).  Many people debate the meaning of this amendment.

8 Amendment 3 Quartering Troops in Homes  The government cannot force soldiers to stay in your home. Not a real concern in the past 150 years.

9 Amendment 4 Search and Arrest  Police cannot search a home without a warrant.  What counts as unreasonable search is changing in constantly in our time.

10 Amendment 5 Legal Rights (The longest Amendment)  1. People accused of serious crimes have the right to a grand jury hearing before going to trial.  2. If you have been found not guilty once, you cannot be put on trial again for the same crime.

11 Amendment 5 Legal Rights cont.  3. You do not need to say anything that will incriminate yourself. Police must read let you know your “Miranda Rights” when you are arrested. You can also refuse to answer questions in court that could show your guilt.

12 Amendment 5 Legal Rights cont.  4. Nobody can take away your life, liberty, or property, without first going through trial.  5. Your property cannot be taken away for public use without you being paid fairly for the property.

13 Amendment 6 Criminal Trial Rights  You have the right to a speedy trial. They cannot drag on your trial for years so that you waste away in jail.  You have the right to a public trial. Your trial can be attended by your family and friends. This way the court cannot cheat you in secret.

14 Amendment 6 Criminal Trial Rights  Before your trial you must be told what you are being charged with and the details of the case.  You are allowed to question every single witness who testifies in your case.  You are entitled to a lawyer to help you in your case.

15 Amendment 7 Civil Trial Rights  In cases between two people or businesses people have the right to a jury trial.

16 Amendment 8 Bail and Punishment  A judge cannot make you pay excessive bail to get out of jail while you wait for your trial.  If you are found guilty, you cannot be punished cruelly or strangely. People argue that the death penalty is cruel.

17 Amendment 9 Rights Reserved by the People  All rights listed and not listed are retained by the people. Just because a specific right is not listed in the Constitution, it doesn’t mean that people don’t have it.

18 Amendment 10 Powers Reserved to the States  States and people keep any powers that the Constitution does not specifically give to the national government.

19 The End There you go, the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Just 17 more to go.

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