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Reportnet – progress and next steps Søren Roug European Environment Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Reportnet – progress and next steps Søren Roug European Environment Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reportnet – progress and next steps Søren Roug European Environment Agency

2 Quick overview all of Reportnet, all of data service, all of EUNIS and other EEA sites relevant parts of Eurostat and from any organisation interested EEA is building a content registry which aims to load:...into one large database and refresh it periodically from source

3 Why? Until now data has been siloed In online databases In Excel files and Access databases In content management systems To increase the usefulness of the data we create a harvesting interface for all Then we enable cross-referencing

4 How? Linked data techniques The Content Registry will harvest RDF natively Therefore, SOER 2010 Part C feeds work immediately EUNIS and data service should get an RDF export functionality of the data As well for all our other databases

5 What happens? The data is created as typed objects in Content registry You can search on these You can choose columns You can filter You can sort Example:





10 Reportnet data Reportnet data is delivered as XML We create a stylesheet transformation from XML to RDF We import into CR More flexible, but also more work

11 Queries CR will have a simple query interface intended to check the content More importantly, we’ll provide an interface to other clients JSON: Used in AJAX SPARQL: Used in ReST Web Services (SOAP, XML-RPC)

12 What clients will use it? Code lookup: Currently the QA system in Reportnet loads code lists into memory This fails for large code lists We’ll load Natura2000 sites, species, NUTS, LAU codes etc. into CR The QA system can then call CR

13 ROD derived products When we load all data about indicators, reports, maps and datasets into CR, we can create a tab on ROD’s obligation factsheet for derived products Already done for Reportnet deliveries

14 Visualisations By following Semantic Web standards we can take advantage of tools developed by other organisations This one uses SPARQL, XSLT and Google Visualization

15 CR’s Role Faceted browsing SensorWeb Data Service ROD Harvesting Reportnet QA System Viewer 1 Content Registry CDROther... SPARQL JSON ReST Querying RDF XML Push

16 Federated table structure ROD Reporting Obligation EUNIS Legal Instrument Species Annex Country CDR Art. 17 Species assessment When we load all data into CR, something interesting happens. Relations appear we didn’t know existed

17 Want to join? Implement RDF interfaces for your online databases according to and W3C specifications Try some of the tools already developed Become a node on the Linking Open Data cloud Then you are a SEIS node

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