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WISE European System for Water Information WISE – part of Eionet (European Environment Information and Observation Network) http//

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Presentation on theme: "WISE European System for Water Information WISE – part of Eionet (European Environment Information and Observation Network) http//"— Presentation transcript:

1 WISE European System for Water Information WISE – part of Eionet (European Environment Information and Observation Network) http//




5 WISE - Aims and opportunities Aims Efficient management of information on water Coherence between various reporting mechanisms Access to information/data Opportunities Long term vision Policy tool Different interests of EU bodies (ENV, JRC, EEA, EUROSTAT), WISE based on joint EU position WISE - Delivery of Information through EIONET via Reportnet services


7 WISE – Useful links WISE

8 WISE – How is it organised? DG ENV – leading the policy and strategic part EEA – water data centre and hosting public WISE web page EUROSTAT – collecting water statistics, GIS part JRC – responsible for data synchronisation

9 A WISE data flow (all steps involve QA/QC) Submission Analysis Development Database Acceptance Viewing, GIS visualisation Production Databases (WISE nodes) Data definition/ requirements Step 1: Compliance or SoE, voluntary (or through comitology) Step 2: End-user tool, schema/DEM, XML/shape/GML, other tools (DD, glossary), help desk Step 3: central holding area (CDR), management of access rights Step 4: Standardised manual or automatic tests, feedback to data submitters Step 5: Final data storage Step 6a: Public or restricted viewing, map service, aggregation, statistics, GIS reference dataset Step 6b: Tools for compliance or SoE assessment, CCM2

10 Challenges: Support data integration and content interoperability along the WISE IP

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