About Mrs. Margis Indiana University Bachelor’s Degree Concordia University Chicago Master’s Degree.

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2 About Mrs. Margis


4 Indiana University Bachelor’s Degree Concordia University Chicago Master’s Degree

5 Warrior Dance Team Coach

6 What do we study in Pre-Calculus? Unit Circle and Graphing Trig Functions, Polynomial and Rational Functions, Logarithmic and Exponential Functions, Analytic Trigonometry, Sequences and Series, Matrices, and Conic Sections. What comes next? Calculus

7 What do we study in Honors Geometry? Measurement, segments and angles, perpendicularity, congruency, complements and supplements, proofs, triangles, transformations, parallel lines, quadrilaterals, polygons, Pythagorean Theorem, radicals, circles, surface area and volume. What comes next? Algebra 2 Advanced or Algebra 2 Honors

8 What do we study in Algebra 1? Studying the basics of Algebra: simplifying algebraic expressions, solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations, factoring, solving inequalities, systems of equations, properties of exponents, radical and rational expressions, use of a graphing calculator, and general problem solving. What comes next? Geometry

9 Online Resources Homework Classroom Guidelines and Expectations http://dhs.dist113.org/Faculty/MargisK/Pages/default.aspx Algebra 1 Online Textbook https://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/iText/getTeacherHomepage. do?newServiceId=6000&newPageId=10100 https://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/iText/getTeacherHomepage. do?newServiceId=6000&newPageId=10100 Khan Academy

10 TI-Nspire CAS Calculator TI-Nspire CAS calculator Not only a “calculator” but a tool to guide learning Allows for quick checks to see how students are progressing and immediately change instruction based on student needs

11 Grades Throughout the year, your child will receive a grade based on homework, quizzes, tests, and occasional projects or labs. To keep you informed of your student’s progress, you can log into Infinite Campus. I update grades weekly, however, please note that grades are based on weighted percentages. If your student drops below a C-, a progress report will be sent home via Infinite Campus mid and end of quarter. If you ever have any questions or would like more information regarding your child’s progress, feel free to email or call me anytime.

12 How do I/my child contact Mrs. Margis? I am free before school and during periods 2, 4, and 7 by appointment. My office is X201 My email is kmargis@dist113.orgkmargis@dist113.org My phone number is 224-632-3224

13 The ARC Academic Resource Center The ARC is located in room J110. It is open Monday - Thursday from 7:15-4:30 and Friday from 7:15-3:15. The ARC is a place for students to receive help on their homework or review for assessments. There are teacher and student tutors in the ARC. Test makeup is held in room Q125.

14 Thank you for Coming to Open House!

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