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The Perfect Woman and Makeover Reality Television Shows By: Whitney Matt.

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1 The Perfect Woman and Makeover Reality Television Shows By: Whitney Matt

2 Abstract This paper will perform a content analysis of several television makeover shows, and how these shows have created the idea of the “Perfect woman.” These shows are used to sell the idea of this perfect woman that all women should strive to be like, whether it has to do with them changing their image by simply changing their clothing, to losing weight, to the extreme of plastic surgery. The media shows that women should stop at nothing to be the perfect woman. The shows used were of three different categories; clothing makeover shows, weight loss makeover shows, and plastic surgery makeover shows. Looking at each show I analyzed class, race, music, setting and tone, actions and situations, dress, gender and sexuality, family dynamics, camera techniques and effects, introductions of characters, and copy. Many different shows were used to do this analysis including Dr. 90210, Nip/Tuck, I Want A Famous Face, The Swan, Extreme Makeover, Celebrity Fit Club, The Biggest Loser, Dance Your Ass Off, How Do I look, What Not to Wear, Queer Eye, and others.

3 Clothing Makeover Shows What Not to Wear Queer Eye How Do I Look? These shows all use the same basic format but with variations. Not as extreme. More attainable. Shows that you should dress a certain way by society’s standards, that it’s not okay to dress another way.

4 Weight Loss Shows Follow the same format Usually a contest More extreme Shows how you must be a certain weight to fit society’s standards

5 Cosmetic Surgery Shows Extreme Makeover Dr. 90210 The Swan Nip Tuck I Want A Famous Face Follow same format These shows are the most extreme Show how easy and common plastic surgery is.

6 Reality-based television programs highlight cosmetic surgery and has raised concerns that such programming promotes unrealistic expectations of plastic surgery and increases the desire of viewers to undergo such procedures to fit society’s means of “The Perfect Woman.” These shows easily convince viewers that these procedures are common and acceptable to get and that they will improve your life in various ways. But Perfection Looks So Easy…

7 Trying to capture the glamour and youthfulness of celebrities through plastic surgery to fit what image they think they should have through the media’s pressure Celebrities in a bind; they have an image to uphold as well. They must maintain the image of the glamorous, young, beautiful, flawless lifestyle that the media portrays them having. Celebrity Worship

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