Partner Notification and Primary Care Chris Harbut & Sam King Community Sexual Health Advisers Sandyford Glasgow.

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Presentation on theme: "Partner Notification and Primary Care Chris Harbut & Sam King Community Sexual Health Advisers Sandyford Glasgow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partner Notification and Primary Care Chris Harbut & Sam King Community Sexual Health Advisers Sandyford Glasgow


3 STI Shared Care Initiative Launched November 2002

4 Aim… For the Community Sexual Health Adviser to provide on-going: –Support –Advice –Education regarding the management of chlamydia and other STIs for GP Practices in Greater Glasgow

5 Background  Written proposal  Health Board approval and funding  Local Medical Council approval  GP Sexual Health subcommittee approval

6 Preparation  Involvement of local labs  Dedicated helpline  Launch event 1 st November 2002  Meetings with LHCC managers  Database of GP Practices  Launch pack  Mail shot to all GP Practices

7 –West –North –East –South West –South East –West Dunbartonshire –East Dunbartonshire –East Renfrewshire –South Lanarkshire –Renfrewshire –Inverclyde Community Health Care and Partnerships Approx. 328 Practices

8 Community Sexual Health Adviser Positive Results Training Support Helpline TOP Services Admin / Audit The Detail...... Chlamydia & other STIs. Recall & Management. Public Health/Partner Notification. Blood Borne Viruses Other topics as identified by Practice

9 Uncomplicated Partner Notification  Follows a protocol  Concentrates on current partner(s)  Purpose designed PN Sheet  Training, support and audit by SHAs

10 Feedback from GP Practices  Time consuming, adding to workload  Moving to paperless systems, extra paperwork unwelcome  Infrequency of use leading to lack of familiarity with their use  Not used by everyone within the practice(e.g.when someone leaves it is discontinued)

11 What we did next  In September 2007 an informal pilot of a system to capture P/N outcome data was introduced  Database altered allowing us to document sexual contacts and outcomes  Same coding system as used by the Sexual Health Advisers at Sandyford  Audit period September 2007-August 2008

12 Centralised Documentation of PN  Information from 2 sources –From GP Practice Staff at results discussion –Patient attendance at Sandyford  Entered onto Shared Care Database

13 Results  1903 positive results  PN documented in 401 cases (21%)

14 Shared Care PN Outcomes Sept 07 – Aug 08 Sandyford PN Outcomes April – June 08 Quality Improvement Scotland Standard for Chlamydia P/N: 64% of all index patients should have at least 1 contact verified as tested/treated

15 Problems  CSHA not always aware of partners attendance at Sandyford  We aren't checking up on GPs  Some practices requested no calls(self managed – 20/328)  Not always being told what we need to know  Not documented well in notes  Other priorities for staff

16 The Way Forward  Encourage better documentation in notes re contacts  Encourage Practice Nurses and GPs to ask for contact details –Name –Dob –Age –Relationship –Last sexual intercourse  Suggest follow up 2-4 weeks in compliance with Sign Guideline 109(Scottish Inter Collegiate Guidelines Network)

17 Thank you


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