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Customer First : Strategic Context and Opportunities Rory Mair.

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Presentation on theme: "Customer First : Strategic Context and Opportunities Rory Mair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer First : Strategic Context and Opportunities Rory Mair

2 Core Elements of Customer First National Infrastructure incorporating : National Gazeteer (uprn) Citizen Account Framework (ucrn) Secure Authentication for access linked to NEC and card management bureau

3 Customer First enables..... Secure online transactions : channel shift Integrated CRM across services : Golden record User self management : eg Diabetes pilot Integration across agencies : common customer Support for related systems : semus ; eplanning ; licencing portal etc

4 To date......... Local Government partnership with Scottish Government Lead Councils for major functionalities Grant funded by Scottish Government (MGF....ETF) Programme Boards for each lead Council but no integrated Governance

5 From April 2011 Integrated Governance through IS Single integrated budget for first time Single business plan : ongoing operations and developments Engagement with wider public sector partners Target to achieve new Governance and financial model

6 Strategic Opportunities McClelland report : positive endorsement and recommendation of whole public sector approach to customer access and management National Board and portfolio review Directscot link : integrated access to all public services Financial model : spending review Demonstrating value : driving channel shift ; self management and integration with other systems

7 SNP Manifesto…. John Swinney: A Balanced Budget Public Service Reform We will continue the successful programme of simplification, looking for further opportunities to streamline our public bodies. We will take every opportunity to reduce costs and bureaucracy and improve service delivery. For example, we will maintain a focus on scrutiny improvement which will enable us to deliver savings of at least 20% in the overall direct costs of scrutiny over the next parliamentary term. We are pursuing innovative approaches to public services, such as the pilots for the Integrated Resource Framework for health and community care. Our Public Services Reform Act means we now have the ability to move swiftly in future with further reform and simplification measures. We are focused on maintaining and improving levels of services and support moves across the public sector towards more collaboration and sharing of services. There is great potential for us to work with other public sector organisations to deliver improved public services through digital technology, including through the Scottish Government-backed Customer First programme. This programme aims to deliver more convenient and responsive public services, encourage online access to services, and ensure that at least 75% of core service requests can be handled at first point of contact. Through Customer First we will take forward a programme of delivery improvement including national infrastructure to support local authorities in delivering services, for example shared data storage space, and the National Entitlement Card, a smartcard for people to conveniently access services, which replaces the numerous other card schemes in Scotland. Our Citizen Account System will also enable the public sector to deliver a wider and better range of online services. And our proposal for a DirectScot portal aims to improve access to public services and information by providing a single convenient access point. The project is currently in a prototype phase, and we are aiming for an initial launch later in 2011.

8 NHS: We develop professionally trained staff who are responsive to public needs Core services Shared ICT: national information technology and communications network Security: model to protect data and provide privacy Authentication: provide citizens with secure User ID and Password Self Service: Citizens can transact online with government We develop professionally trained staff who are responsive to public needs Customisation: Single customer record tailored to the needs of individual citizen National Entitlement Card: a public services smartcard Putting the Customer First National Outcome: Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local peoples needs Better Quality Public services: through improved collaboration and learning Faster Response: by delivering first time public services Enhanced credibility: of local government Lower costs: by delivering services more efficiently Wider coverage: ensuring people receive the services they are entitled to We provide older and disabled citizens with access to free travel Land & Property Asset Mgmt.: National property record available to all sectors We will make it easier for people to join up journeys across the public transport network We will make it easier for people to go online and purchase public transport tickets We will develop a range of self-service applications which reduce service costs We will provide patients with access to their own health information We will deliver national proof of age scheme for young people Expand Diabetes My Way Customer Service Professional 1.6 million concessionary ticket holders Developing targets for commercial travel Young Scot services in schools and in the wider community 400k Young Scot NEC users Improving Outcomes We will measure customer satisfaction with public services Using new channels such as mobile phone applications – social networks Putting top ten public services online Implementing new products for the NEC We will provide patients with access to manage their own GP / Hospital appointments Reduce volume of NHS letters to patients Reduce volume of did not attends for GPs and hospitals We will support government and the licensing trade to implement licensing Implement National personal license database system Develop online licensing services & reduce costs to the trade National Customer Satisfaction Measurement Tools We will support government to modernise electoral processes Implement personal registration solution

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