THE FINAL MAJOR PROJECT. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Understand the requirements of an art and design project 1.1 Analyse the requirements and parameters of.

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2 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Understand the requirements of an art and design project 1.1 Analyse the requirements and parameters of an art and design project How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: ** Research presented in your sketchbook, blog and reflective journal. You will identify research and contextual references to influence your FMP, your pitch and your written proposal. Identify work of others which you can understand the process undertaken by the artist from concept to completion. Analyse their own processes and use this as a way to develop the parameters for your own project. These criteria will be completed before your final submission. These references, in the future, will directly influence your project and development. You will present these investigations in your sketchbook, blog, reflective journal, etc. You will analyze and evaluate the appropriateness of these references and explain how they will support you through your FMP development.

3 2.Be able to complete an art and design project 2.1Analyse a range of research sources to support an art and design project 2.2Interpret research activity to develop ideas and creative proposals 2.3Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and develop an art and design project 2.4Apply practical skills and theoretical knowledge and understanding to complete an art and design project within an agreed timeframe How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: ** Project proposal; Project sketchbooks, using research to develop personal ideas; 2D or 3D work beyond your sketchbook (portfolio); applying your knowledge and skills to complete your FMP; blog and reflective journal. You will submit a detailed FMP proposal which includes a timetable that you have designed that will allow you to meet specific targets and goals along the way and ultimately will enable you to complete your project at deadline. You will be judged on your ability to plan, organize and produce your work within this agreed time frame. You will be expected to attend all lessons prepared with materials/resources and with a clearly outlined plan of action for that session. Your reflective journal will detail what you did on a daily basis in practical lessons, ilearn lessons, and during independent time. You will look at a wide range of artists and contextual resources when developing an idea for your FMP. You must present and analyse this research in your FMP sketchbook. You must explain how this research has helped you to develop your own ideas and creative proposals. You will conduct thorough research into contextual references and make direct links to this research when developing your FMP. These links should be seen visually within the development of your work as well as being discussed through evaluations and analysis in your sketchbooks, blogs, journals, etc. You will then use your research, your idea development, and investigations to plan, organize and develop your FMP. You will apply your practical skills and theoretical knowledge to develop and complete your FMP. Your project proposal and timetable is crucial in this process. Remember that research can include a wide range of sources and mediums.

4 3. Be able to evaluate an art and design project 3.1Critically evaluate an art and design project against the agreed requirements and parameters How will you achieve this? Provide the following evidence: ** Evaluation of the FMP from the initial research stages, into development and finally at completion. Evaluations will include personal interpretation of research, problem-solving along the way, effectiveness of materials, techniques, process, and ultimately the critical evaluation outcome in relation to the journey. This will be done in your sketchbook, reflective journal and blog and may include a final/formal written evaluation at the end. Evaluating your work and methods is valuable skill to any artist or designer. It is important that all stages of your development is evaluated and reflected upon. This lets your audience understand your thought process as well as how you overcame any problems. It is important to be honest and critical of yourself and the work you are doing. Identify your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Seek out feedback from your peers and tutors and respond or react to that feedback. Be meticulous when recording your evaluative process. When (not if) you encounter a road block in your FMP – whether this be a practical, technical, or theoretical (concept) problem – it is important to that you record the problem and reflect on solutions. You are not judged on your faults or failures to your ideas, but rather how you solve them. You must record any problems or change of direction to your work and reflect on the impact this has on you moving forward. Record this in your sketchbooks, reflective journals and blogs.



7 Some Memories from previous Private Views ….










17 For the Show, you will individually complete: Professional display and exhibition of your FMP work Artist Statement – with your portrait Have your Portfolio on Display Produce a short show reel of your FMP & Year 1 work




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