Heart of Virginia Council Ann Bevan & Paul Kreckman.

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Presentation on theme: "Heart of Virginia Council Ann Bevan & Paul Kreckman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heart of Virginia Council Ann Bevan & Paul Kreckman

2 A group of people born in the same time frame with common values and attitudes. Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

3  A common location in history  Perceived membership in a common generation  Common beliefs and behaviors Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

4  Silent GenerationBorn - 1928-1945 Between 69 and 86 Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

5  The Great Depression  Roosevelt’s New Deal  Attack on Pearl Harbor  World War II  GI Bill  Radio and Telephone  Korean War Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

6  Silent GenerationBorn - 1928-1945 Between 69 and 86  Baby BoomersBorn - 1946-1964 Between 50 and 68 Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

7  Cold War  Race Riots, Civil Rights  Vietnam  Woodstock  Space Travel  Assassinations  Credit Cards  Record Albums  Television Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

8  Silent GenerationBorn - 1928-1945 Between 69 and 86  Baby BoomersBorn - 1946-1964 Between 50 and 68  Generation XBorn - 1965-1980 Between 34 and 49 Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

9  Fall of the Berlin Wall  Watergate  Desert Storm  Latchkey kids  Divorce  AIDS  CDs  Video Games  Energy crisis Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

10  Silent GenerationBorn - 1928-1945 Between 69 and 86  Baby BoomersBorn - 1946-1964 Between 50 and 68  Generation XBorn - 1965-1980 Between 34 and 49  Millennial GenerationBorn - 1981-2000 Between 14 and 33 Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

11  Oklahoma City bombing  Columbine  Princess Di’s death  9-11  The Challenger Disaster  Social Networking  iPods & MP3  Internet Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

12  Silent GenerationBorn - 1928-1945 Between 69 and 86  Baby BoomersBorn - 1946-1964 Between 50 and 68  Generation XBorn - 1965-1980 Between 34 and 49  Millennial GenerationBorn - 1981-2000 Between 14 and 33  New Generation Born after 2000 Younger than 14 Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

13  9/11, Security  War on Terror, Afghanistan, Iraq  iPhone, iPad, Leap Frog  Facebook goes viral  Twitter, Instagram  Emoji  Selfies!! Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

14  Work Ethic  Moral Values  Religious Beliefs  Racial and Social Tolerance Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14  Political Beliefs  Use of New Technology  Music Preferences  Respect They Show Others They Have Different Outlooks & Core Values

15 “People develop values and outlook based on their world and experiences from birth to about age 10.” - Sociologist Morris Massey Each generation was shaped by the events and experiences that occurred during these formative years. Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

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17  Loyalty  Hard Work and Sacrifice  Respect for Authority  Conformity  Duty Before Fun  Leaders should lead/ others should follow Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

18  “Me” generation  Internally driven and competitive  Question authority  Not always comfortable with technology  Leadership based on consensus Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

19  Independent and self-confident, averse to meetings  Resourceful and results oriented, want to be self-sufficient  Desire a work-life balance with personal connections  Leadership based on competence Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

20  Looking for challenges, respect and feedback  Racially and ethnically diverse generation  First “always connected” generation  Confident, optimistic, and open to change  Work hard/play hard  High Maintenance  Leadership based on inclusiveness Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

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22 “If a fisherman baits his hook with the kind of food that he likes himself, he will not catch many, certainly not the shy, game kind of fish. He therefore uses as bait the kind of food that the fish like.” -Robert Baden-Powell Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

23  Scouting never has been more diverse  Volunteers and youth are very different  The challenge is to “bridge” the gap to create a cohesive team to address the specific needs of the unit Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

24  Capture their wisdom and experience  Make them mentors  Recognize and applaud their achievements  Help them adapt to and embrace new technologies  Provide flexible ways for them to be involved in scouting Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

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26  Offer them opportunities for leadership  Motivate them on their terms  Respect their experience  Give them recognition  Make them mentors Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

27  Challenge them  Give them structure and direction and let them go for it  Vary their experiences  Support their lifestyles and let them work on their own schedule  Give them respect, feedback and recognition Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

28  Recognize their technological orientation and knowledge  Give them meaningful assignments and provide a variety of experiences  Foster collaborative processes or efforts  Be specific about expectations and give feedback constantly  Make it fun Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

29  Molding the clay of the next generation  Make it fun  Tomorrow’s leaders Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

30 Handbook – Page 74 Patrols 1 & 2 – Situation 1 Patrols 3 & 4 – Situation 2 Patrols 5 & 6 – Situation 3 Patrols 7 & 8 – Situation 4 Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

31  It’s not us against them  Communicate!!  Use the form of communication best suited to the generation you need to reach Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14 Email Website Texting Social Media US Mail Landline Cell Phone

32 Zits Comic Strip Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

33 Training boy leaders to run their Troop is the Scoutmaster’s most important job. - Robert S.S. Baden-Powell Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

34 34  Generations are willing to learn from and work with each other  Find a shared vision and work to make it happen Heart of Virginia Council Wood Badge S7-602-14

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