Climate is what you expect; Weather is what you get. Climate Weather.


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Presentation transcript:

Climate is what you expect; Weather is what you get. Climate Weather

Sea Surface Temperature

Satellite composite view. Tom Van Sant/The GeoSphere Project.

Sea Surface Temperature

Pacific Basin Sea Surface Temperature Sea surface temp is higher on the western side of the basin. Sea surface height is also greater. 80 degrees F 60 – 70 degrees F (above image from NOAA Climate Prediction Center )

El Niño

(above image from NOAA Climate Prediction Center)

La Niña : Cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial eastern Pacific. Image from NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center

2008 is a La Niña year.

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration: Climate Prediction Center for June 2008 Lots of rain Drought United States Climate trends in La Niña years

Cedar Rapids, Iowa June 13, 2008 Flooding of the Cedar River (400 square blocks of the city under water) Photo: CBS NewsPhoto: Huffington Post Photo: Chicago Tribune

Graph from NOAA: Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service

Hurricane Dean August 2007

Katrina August 2005