Unit 3. book store What are you going to do? I’m going to buy an English book in the book store.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3

book store

What are you going to do? I’m going to buy an English book in the book store.

What books can you buy in a book store?

你知道这些 书的名称吗 ?

dictionary I am going to buy a dictionary.

magazine I am going to buy a magazine.

post card I am going to buy a post card.

newspaper I am going to buy newspaper.

comic book I am going to buy some comic book.

假如你是书店的营销员, 你怎么来卖书了 ? 看看你 能卖几本吧 ?

What are you going to buy? I’m going to buy some comic books. Do you have comic books?

There are so many goods. Let’s listen and find out: What is she going to buy?

wherewhenWhat book storethis afternoonbuy a comic book 你能把自己的购物 计划做成表格吗 ?

Where are you going this afternoon? I’m going to the pet shop.

写出你的采 访结果吧 !
