The Cyber World. Warm-up online games Discussion  Do you know the names of these online games?  Do you play online games? If so, what are they?  How.


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Presentation transcript:

The Cyber World

Warm-up online games

Discussion  Do you know the names of these online games?  Do you play online games? If so, what are they?  How much time do you spend on online games each week?  Do you think it expensive to play online games?

Background Information 1.Blog short form of “web log” 网络日志 2.Blogger a person who blogs 博客 3.hacker 黑客 4.cyber-friend 网友 5.cyberland 网络世界 6.cyber stalking 网上 骚扰 7.on-liner 网络用户; 上网者 8. web master 网络管 理员 9. netizen 网民 10. log in/on 登陆 11. log off/out 登出 12. web surfing 上网 13. download 下载 14. upload 上传 15. Local Area Network (LAN) 局域网 16. web page 网页 17. homepage 主页 18. website 网站;网 址;站点

Background Information 19. web phone 网络电 话 20. CD-ROM 光驱 21. hard drive 硬盘驱 动器 22. keyboard 键盘 23. monitor 显示器 24. software 软件 25. system 系统 26. disk 磁盘 27. hardware 硬件 28. modem 调制解调 器 29. multimedia 多媒体 30. Internet café = cyber café 网吧 31. chat room 聊天室 32. 电子邮件 33. BBS ( Bulletin Board System )公 告 栏 34. SMS ( Short Message Service )短 信服务

Pre-reading Questions 1. Today’s world is an “online” world. Many people easily get addicted to the Internet. Is there anyone around you suffering from Internet addiction? 2. Have you ever been attached to the Internet? What do you think of online games? 3. What do you think is the best way to overcome Internet addiction?