Www.southwark.gov.uk Early Years update Georgia Pritchard- Early Years Adviser.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Years update Georgia Pritchard- Early Years Adviser

GLD offer Pros  Valuable for comparisons between other local schools  Sets a recognisable end of phase standard  Supports you to be able to demonstrate progress over this phase  Part of statutory learning and development requirements- still need to aim towards ELG’s so why not measure it.  Published baselines do not provide a whole profile of a child- particularly pertinent as Ofsted will focus on all subject areas  Profession is in favour of keeping profile- 4Children conference votes overwhelmingly to keep it.

Cons Time and effort  Published baseline packages may offer something similar for the end of phase- may be cost implications  Bought packages may also offer analysis of other learning areas- may be cost implications  Some schools may not wish to engage and so may not get provide a broad enough comparison

Early years experts call for retained statutory status for EYFSP Foundation years website Overwhelming backing at the 4Children conference for the continuation of the early years profile 4Children responded to the consultation, noting that if proposals to introduce a baseline assessment are to succeed they must: Provide a balance between a baseline assessment and the profile of a child’s learning over time.

30 hours free childcare for working parents Initially DfE requested individual provisions to register interest in becoming early implementers Prior to the close of the application process they only accepted applications submitted by local authorities Southwark did not submit a borough wide proposal to be part of the pilot. A proposal for a small scale pilot with Nursery schools has been submitted but there has been no feedback on this

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Early Years in schools bespoke training courses

Resources ‘What to expect when’- publication from the DfE and 4Children for parents Early Years Pupil Premium- information on how to get the most from the funding