Characteristics of Earth Reasons for the Seasons Name That Motion The Moon Stars
Question Column As the Sun gets higher in the sky, the shadows get...
Answer Column shorter.
Question Column Which direction does the Earth rotate?
Answer Column (in the opposite direction a clock moves) Counterclockwise
Question Column The Earth is which planet from the sun?
Answer Column The Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
Question Column The Earth is mostly covered with...
Answer Column water.
Question Column Name a characteristic of Earth the protects us from space debris and acts similar to a greenhouse.
Answer Column The atmosphere.
Question Column Why does the Earth have seasons?
Answer Column Earth has a tilted axis that stays fixed while Earth revolves in its orbital path around the Sun.
Question Column As we move from spring to summer the days become...
Answer Column Longer.
Question Column True/False The reason it is warmer in the summer in the Northern Hemisphere is because the Earth is closer to the sun.
Answer Column False. The real reason is because the North Pole, of Earth is tilted toward the Sun causing longer days and therefore warmer weather.
Question Column What would happen to the seasons if our planet changed from a 23.5 degree tilt to a 0 degree tilt?
Answer Column There would be NO MORE seasons.
Question Column In addition to the tilt of Earth’s axis, what MOTION of Earth causes the seasons?
Answer Column Earth revolves. (this means one mass, such as the Earth, goes around another mass, such as the Sun)
Question Column What is the motion that takes Earth 24 hours or one day to complete causing day on half of Earth and night on the other half?
Answer Column Rotation!!! (spinning on an axis like a TOP)
Question Column What is the motion that happens when the Earth travels around the Sun?
Answer Column Revolution.
Question Column Which motions causes the direction of your shadow to change?
Answer Column The rotation of Earth.
Question Column What is the motion that takes the Earth 365 days or one year to complete?
Answer Column Revolution.
Question Column Why do the Sun and Moon APPEAR to move across the sky from our point-of-view on Earth?
Answer Column Rotation. (the Earth spinning on its axis)
Question Column The Moon revolves in its orbital path around...
Answer Column the Earth.
Question Column It takes how long for the Moon to make one revolution around the Earth?
Answer Column About one month (27/28 days)
Question Column It takes the Moon how long to make one rotation?
Answer Column About one month (27/28 days)
Question Column What do we call the phase of the moon when we do not see it in the sky?
Answer Column A new Moon.
Question Column What is our evidence that the Moon is revolving in its orbital path around the Earth?
Answer Column The phases of the Moon.
Question Column True/False All the stars are the same.
Answer Column False.
Question Column What is the name of our star?
Answer Column The Sun.
Question Column Why does the Sun appear larger than the other stars?
Answer Column It appears larger than the other stars because it is the closest start to our planet, Earth.
Question Column Why do the other stars in the sky appear smaller and dimmer than our star, the Sun?
Answer Column The other stars in the sky appear smaller and dimmer than our star, the Sun because they are so far away.
Question Column What is the difference between a planet and a star?
Answer Column Stars are huge balls of hot gases that give off their own energy and light. Planets reflect the light of stars and do not give off their own light.
Answer Column 5-500