Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016. Church’s One Foundation #511 Verse 1 The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord; she is his new creation.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016

Church’s One Foundation #511 Verse 1 The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord; she is his new creation by water and the word. from heav'n he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died

Verse 2 Elect from ev'ry nation, yet one o’er all the earth, her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth; one holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food, and to one hope she presses with ev'ry grace endued.

Verse 3 Elect from ev'ry nation, yet one o’er all the earth, her charter of salvation: one Lord, one faith, one birth; one holy name she blesses, partakes one holy food, and to one hope she presses with ev'ry grace endued.

Verse 3 Yet she on earth has union with God the Three in One, and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won: O blessed heav'nly chorus! Lord, save us by your grace that we, like saints before us, may see you face to face.

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016

Liturgy We praise you, O God, We acclaim you as Lord; All creation worships you, the Father everlasting. To you all angels, all the powers of heaven, The cherubim and seraphim sing in endless praise

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of you glory. The glorious company of apostles praise you. The noble fellowship of prophets praise you. The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.

Throughout the world the holy church acclaims you: Father, of majesty unbounded; your true and only Son, worthy of all praise; the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide. You, Christ, are the king of glory, the eternal Son of the Father.

When you took our flesh to set us free, you humbly chose the virgin’s womb. You overcame the sting of death and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. You are seated at God’s right hand in glory. We believe that you will come to be our judge.

Come, then, Lord, and help your people, bought with the price of your own blood, and bring us with your saints to glory everlasting. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance. Govern and uphold them, now and always. Day by day we bless you. We praise your name forever.

Keep us today, Lord, from all sin. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy. Lord, show us your love and mercy, for we have put our trust in you. In you, Lord, is our hope: let us never be put to shame.

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016

Opening the Bible Acts 17:22-31

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016

It’s Time to Listen -The Church of Pergamum and Us- Revelation 2: Message Notes-

Learning about Lucifer.

John 8:42-44 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Jesus is calling us to repent of sexual immorality.

When we say "Yes" to Jesus, we say "No" to many others.

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016

In the Morning When I Rise #573 Verse 1 In the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.

Chorus Give me Jesus, give me Jesus, you may have all this world; give me Jesus.

Verse 2 Dark midnight was my cry, dark midnight way my cry, dark midnight was my cry, give me Jesus.

Chorus Give me Jesus, give me Jesus, you may have all this world; give me Jesus.

Verse 3 Just about the break of day, just about the break of day, just about the break of day, give me Jesus.

Chorus Give me Jesus, give me Jesus, you may have all this world; give me Jesus.

Verse 4 O when I come to die, O when I come to die, O when I come to die, give me Jesus.

Chorus Give me Jesus, give me Jesus, you may have all this world; give me Jesus.

Welcome to Sunday, February 7, 2016