Study or examine closely scrutinize. hint, clue, indication intimation.


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Presentation transcript:

study or examine closely scrutinize

hint, clue, indication intimation

uncertain, inconclusive tentative

unproductive, dormant fallow

trickery, ruse artifice

untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

praise, glorify extol

workable, possible feasible

punishing, retaliatory punitive

omit, remove, expunge delete

pester, annoy, disturb harass

sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

skillful, clever adroit

repeat, restate reiterate

position, station, organize deploy

luxurious, wealthy opulent

mask, semblance guise

painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

longing, homesickness nostalgia

friendly amicable

continue, prolong perpetuate

harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

unemotional, unresponsive stolid

cowardly craven

increase, make larger augment

adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

pained look, facial distortion grimace

impure, corrupt adulterate

cheer, excite exhilarating

kindly, charitable benevolent

remedy, rectify redress

word for word verbatim

courage, steadfastness fortitude

skillful with both hands ambidextrous

related to cooking culinary

cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

example, model precedent

stimulus, impulse impetus

snub, turn away, estrange alienate

essence, exemplar quintessence

dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

stay, visit, stopover sojourn

insult, ridicule, mock gibe

gloomy, bleak dour

death, passing away demise

opposed, disinclined averse

lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

suave, elegant urbane

lacking, deprived of bereft

hasty, not thorough cursory

hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

stare with open mouth gape

danger, risk, peril jeopardy

revert, move backward retrogress

unaffected, impenetrable impervious

think, daydream, contemplate muse

hint, clue, indication intimation

unimportant, trivial negligible

opponent, rival, foe adversary

force, compel coerce

uncertain, inconclusive tentative

study or examine closely scrutinize

unproductive, dormant fallow

untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

trickery, ruse artifice

praise, glorify extol

workable, possible feasible

punishing, retaliatory punitive

position, station, organize deploy

omit, remove, expunge delete

pester, annoy, disturb harass

sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

repeat, restate reiterate

skillful, clever adroit

luxurious, wealthy opulent

mask, semblance guise

friendly amicable

painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

longing, homesickness nostalgia

continue, prolong perpetuate

cowardly craven

wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

unemotional, unresponsive stolid

increase, make larger augment

kindly, charitable benevolent

adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

pained look, facial distortion grimace

impure, corrupt adulterate

cheer, excite exhilarating

remedy, rectify redress

word for word verbatim

snub, turn away, estrange alienate

skillful with both hands ambidextrous

courage, steadfastness fortitude

related to cooking culinary

example, model precedent

cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

stimulus, impulse impetus

dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

opposed, disinclined averse

essence, exemplar quintessence

stay, visit, stopover sojourn

insult, ridicule, mock gibe

gloomy, bleak dour

death, passing away demise

suave, elegant urbane

lacking, deprived of bereft

lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

hasty, not thorough cursory

force, compel coerce

hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

stare with open mouth gape

danger, risk, peril jeopardy

unaffected, impenetrable impervious

think, daydream, contemplate muse

revert, move backward retrogress

unimportant, trivial negligible

opponent, rival, foe adversary

study or examine closely scrutinize

hint, clue, indication intimation

uncertain, inconclusive tentative

unproductive, dormant fallow

trickery, ruse artifice

untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

praise, glorify extol

workable, possible feasible

punishing, retaliatory punitive

omit, remove, expunge delete

pester, annoy, disturb harass

sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

skillful, clever adroit

repeat, restate reiterate

position, station, organize deploy

luxurious, wealthy opulent

mask, semblance guise

painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

longing, homesickness nostalgia

friendly amicable

continue, prolong perpetuate

harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

unemotional, unresponsive stolid

cowardly craven

increase, make larger augment

adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

pained look, facial distortion grimace

impure, corrupt adulterate

cheer, excite exhilarating

kindly, charitable benevolent

remedy, rectify redress

word for word verbatim

courage, steadfastness fortitude

skillful with both hands ambidextrous

related to cooking culinary

cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

example, model precedent

stimulus, impulse impetus

snub, turn away, estrange alienate

essence, exemplar quintessence

dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

stay, visit, stopover sojourn

insult, ridicule, mock gibe

gloomy, bleak dour

death, passing away demise

opposed, disinclined averse

lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

suave, elegant urbane

lacking, deprived of bereft

hasty, not thorough cursory

hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

stare with open mouth gape

danger, risk, peril jeopardy

revert, move backward retrogress

unaffected, impenetrable impervious

think, daydream, contemplate muse

hint, clue, indication intimation

unimportant, trivial negligible

opponent, rival, foe adversary

force, compel coerce

uncertain, inconclusive tentative

study or examine closely scrutinize

unproductive, dormant fallow

untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

trickery, ruse artifice

praise, glorify extol

workable, possible feasible

punishing, retaliatory punitive

position, station, organize deploy

omit, remove, expunge delete

pester, annoy, disturb harass

sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

repeat, restate reiterate

skillful, clever adroit

luxurious, wealthy opulent

mask, semblance guise

friendly amicable

painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

longing, homesickness nostalgia

continue, prolong perpetuate

cowardly craven

wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

unemotional, unresponsive stolid

increase, make larger augment

kindly, charitable benevolent

adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

pained look, facial distortion grimace

impure, corrupt adulterate

cheer, excite exhilarating

remedy, rectify redress

word for word verbatim

snub, turn away, estrange alienate

skillful with both hands ambidextrous

courage, steadfastness fortitude

related to cooking culinary

example, model precedent

cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

stimulus, impulse impetus

dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

opposed, disinclined averse

essence, exemplar quintessence

stay, visit, stopover sojourn

insult, ridicule, mock gibe

gloomy, bleak dour

death, passing away demise

suave, elegant urbane

lacking, deprived of bereft

lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

hasty, not thorough cursory

force, compel coerce

hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

stare with open mouth gape

danger, risk, peril jeopardy

unaffected, impenetrable impervious

think, daydream, contemplate muse

revert, move backward retrogress

unimportant, trivial negligible

opponent, rival, foe adversary