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Skillful, clever, dexterous adroit. annihilation, devastation holocaust.

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Presentation on theme: "Skillful, clever, dexterous adroit. annihilation, devastation holocaust."— Presentation transcript:

1 skillful, clever, dexterous adroit

2 annihilation, devastation holocaust

3 lukewarm, wishy-washy, insipid tepid

4 neighborly, friendly amicable

5 inspect, examine scrutinize

6 opposed, disinclined, unwilling averse

7 decline, revert, degenerate retrogress

8 combative, pugnacious, warlike belligerent

9 purest example; paragon, exemplar quintessence

10 well-meaning, benign, kindly benevolent

11 longing for the past nostalgia

12 quick, hasty, superficial cursory

13 fussy, extremely careful, painstaking meticulous

14 deceitfulness, fraud duplicity

15 pained expression grimace

16 risk, danger, peril jeopardy

17 praise, glorify, acclaim extol

18 impulse, incentive impetus

19 possible, practicable, viable feasible

20 resistant, impenetrable impervious

21 skillful, clever, dexterous adroit

22 impulse, incentive impetus

23 annihilation, devastation holocaust

24 neighborly, friendly amicable

25 inspect, examine scrutinize

26 opposed, disinclined, unwilling averse

27 lukewarm, wishy-washy, insipid tepid

28 decline, revert, degenerate retrogress

29 combative, pugnacious, warlike belligerent

30 resistant, impenetrable impervious

31 well-meaning, benign, kindly benevolent

32 quick, hasty, superficial cursory

33 longing for the past nostalgia

34 fussy, extremely careful, painstaking meticulous

35 praise, glorify, acclaim extol

36 risk, danger, peril jeopardy

37 possible, practicable, viable feasible

38 deceitfulness, fraud duplicity

39 purest example; paragon, exemplar quintessence

40 pained expression grimace

41 skillful, clever, dexterous adroit

42 annihilation, devastation holocaust

43 lukewarm, wishy-washy, insipid tepid

44 neighborly, friendly amicable

45 inspect, examine scrutinize

46 opposed, disinclined, unwilling averse

47 decline, revert, degenerate retrogress

48 combative, pugnacious, warlike belligerent

49 purest example; paragon, exemplar quintessence

50 well-meaning, benign, kindly benevolent

51 longing for the past nostalgia

52 quick, hasty, superficial cursory

53 fussy, extremely careful, painstaking meticulous

54 deceitfulness, fraud duplicity

55 pained expression grimace

56 risk, danger, peril jeopardy

57 praise, glorify, acclaim extol

58 impulse, incentive impetus

59 possible, practicable, viable feasible

60 resistant, impenetrable impervious

61 skillful, clever, dexterous adroit

62 impulse, incentive impetus

63 annihilation, devastation holocaust

64 neighborly, friendly amicable

65 inspect, examine scrutinize

66 opposed, disinclined, unwilling averse

67 lukewarm, wishy-washy, insipid tepid

68 decline, revert, degenerate retrogress

69 combative, pugnacious, warlike belligerent

70 resistant, impenetrable impervious

71 well-meaning, benign, kindly benevolent

72 quick, hasty, superficial cursory

73 longing for the past nostalgia

74 fussy, extremely careful, painstaking meticulous

75 praise, glorify, acclaim extol

76 risk, danger, peril jeopardy

77 possible, practicable, viable feasible

78 deceitfulness, fraud duplicity

79 purest example; paragon, exemplar quintessence

80 pained expression grimace

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