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Level E Unit 1 Vocabulary

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1 Level E Unit 1 Vocabulary

2 ADULTERATE Definition: (v.) To corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value Synonyms: contaminate, pollute, sully Antonyms: purify, purge expurgate Hospitals take precautions to assure that nothing adulterates the blood supply.

3 AMBIDEXTROUS Definition: (adj.) able to use both hands equally well, very skillful, deceitful Synonyms: versatile, facile Antonyms: clumsy, all thumbs, maladroit When it comes to dribbling, NBA NBA players are ambidextrous.

4 AUGMENT Definition: (v.) to make larger, increase
Synonyms: enlarge, supplement, amplify Antonyms: decrease, diminish Many couples have to augment their income in order to pay the mortgage on a new home.

5 BEREFT Definition: (adj., part.) deprived of, unhappy through loss of something Synonyms: bereaved Antonyms: replete, well-provided After Grandpa died, Grandma was bereft of h her companion of 59 years and became depressed.

6 DEPLOY Definition: (v.) to position or arrange; to utilize; to form up
Synonyms: station, organize A bugle call is a signal used to deploy troops for inspection, parade, or battle.

7 DOUR Definition: (Adj.) stern, unyielding, gloomy,
Synonyms: harsh, bleak, forbidding, saturnine Antonyms: cheery, inviting, genial Darth Vader is an example of a character with a dour disposition because he is he represents evil. character

8 FORTITUDE Definition: (n.) courage in facing difficulties
Synonyms: resolve, steadfastness, mettle Antonyms: fearfulness, timidity The residents of New Orleans showed remarkable fortitude during and after Hurricane Katrina.

9 GAPE Definition: (v.) to stare with open mouth; to open wide
Synonyms: gawk, ogle First time visitors at Niagara Falls can be expected to gape at the spectacular sights nature has provided for them.

10 GIBE Definition: (v.) to utter taunting words; (n.) an expression of scorn Synonyms: ridicule, mock, jeer Antonyms: compliment, praise The recruits rushed into battle so that no one could gibe at them for cowardice. (verb) Voters may reject a candidate who resorts to personal gibes instead of discussing the issues. (noun)

11 GUISE Definition: (n.) an external appearance, cover, mask
Synonyms: costume, semblance, pretense The thieves gained entry to the home by presenting themselves in the guise of police officers.

12 INSIDIOUS Definition: (adj.) intended to deceive or entrap; sly
Synonyms: cunning, underhanded Antonyms: frank, ingenuous, aboveboard The investigators uncovered an insidious scheme to rob elderly people of their life savings. S savings.

13 INTIMATION Definition: (n.) a hint, indirect suggestion
Synonyms: clue, indication, inkling They were too proud to give any intimation of their financial difficulties, so they agreed to pay the dues for their neighborhood pool membership.

14 OPULENT Definition: (adj.) wealthy, luxurious, grandiose
Synonyms: rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant Antonyms: poverty-stricken, wretched The tour guide showed us the opulent living quarters of the royal family…and Oprah Winfrey. 

15 PLIABLE Definition: (adj.) easily bent, flexible, easily influenced
Synonyms: supple, adaptable, resilient Antonyms: rigid, inflexible Spools of pliable copper wire are standard equipment for many kinds of maintenance workers, including electricians.

16 REITERATE Definition: (v.) to say again, repeat
Synonyms: restate, rehash, recapitulate Effective speakers often reiterate an important statement for emphasis.

17 STOLID Definition: (adj.) not easily moved mentally or emotionally, dull, unresponsive Synonyms: impassive, phlegmatic Antonyms: emotional, oversensitive The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”   Elie Wiesel

18 TENTATIVE Definition: (adj.) experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant Synonyms: provisional, inconclusive Antonyms: definite, conclusive, confirmed Negotiators have come up with a tentative agreement that will keep both sides at the bargaining table past the strike deadline.

19 UNKEMPT Definition: (adj.) not combed, untidy, rude
Synonyms: sloppy, disheveled, rough Antonyms: well-groomed, tidy, neat

20 VERBATIM Definition: (adj., adv.) word for word, exactly as written or spoken Synonyms: exact, precisely Antonyms: paraphrased Newspapers often publish the verbatim text of an important p political speech. (ADJ) T The chief justice reads each line of the Oath of Office and the new President repeats it verbatim. (ADV)

21 WARILY Definition: (adv.) cautiously, with care
Synonyms: carefully, prudently, gingerly Antonyms: recklessly, heedlessly The hikers warily made their way up the steep trail. up the steep

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