To provide a great staff from CAMT to support “E-Tourism” industry.


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Presentation transcript:

To provide a great staff from CAMT to support “E-Tourism” industry

E-TOURISM TECHNOLOGY E- tourism Internet HISCBM ISO Hotel Information System Competenc e -based Managemen t

E-TOURISM PHILOSOPHY HRM-Human Resource ManagementQM-Quality ManagementIM- information Management

E-TOURISM FUNCTION & SYSTEMS E - Tourism Strategic Business Unit ECO Tourism Cultural Tourism Adventure Tourism Event & Festival Souvenir / Retail Hotel Accommod ation Airlines / Transporta tion Health&Sp a Supporting Unit Front Office Back Office Website E – Marketing Sales Force Automation E-Booking Transportation F & B Indust rial Functi onal Syste m Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent

PROCESS IN SUPPORTING UNIT Front Office Sales& Secretarial/B ooking&Rece ption/Cashier (Biling) Sales Promoti on/Serv ice Marketi ng Training Back Office Informati on System (MIS/MKI S/AIS) Sales/C ost/Prof it/Lost Training/Q uality Checking/A uditing Website Internet /Intran et Corp &Produc t info MMIT E - Marketing E – Commer ce/ CRM Product info/ Sales Conditio n/Sales Promoti on Marketi ng Researc h/ Training Transportation Logistic Routing and Destinat ion/Ser vice/ CRM Info researc h/traini ng F & B Inventory Control/Menu &Recipe/Cashi er (POS) Products Quantity- Quality/FIFO /LIFO Training / Auditing Kno wled ge Info Acti vity Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent Internet/ Intranet/ E – Tourism Propotion

TASK IN STRATEGIC BUSINESS UNIT ECO Tourism Tour Operat ion Impact Reasoni ng Project/ Survey/ Info Research Cultural Tourism Tour operat ion Story Teller Self Practic e Adventure Tourism Safety / Athleti c Continge ncy Planning Intern ship/ Self Practic ing Event & Festival Tour Operat ion Lifesty le Explan ation Info Resear ch Souvenir Pricing Comparison /Sales Promotion Bargainin g & Sales Skill Practic ing Accommodation Servic es Hotel Managem ent Skill Intern ship/ Coop Airlines/ Transportation Recept ion Scheduli ng Skill Intern ship Criti cal Task Skill Acti vity Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent

TASK IN SUPPORTING UNIT Front Office Check In&Out HIS SkillCoop Back Office Night Audit/ Quality Checking / Transacti on AuditingTraining Website Web Developi ng Info Design Skill Training /Interns hip E - Marketing CRM/SF A Presenti ng/ Convinci ng Skill Practicin g/Intern ship Transportation Safety & Insuranc e Traveling Skill Internshi p F & B Inventor y Control Stock Checking Assignm ent Criti cal Task Skill Acti vity Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent

NORMS OF E-TOURISM INDUSTRIAL (IN TERMS OF SERVICE MARKETING) Policy Intern et Live Wire Enviro nment al Enviro nment Aware ness Cultur al Open Minde d Value/ Culture Quality of Service Servic e Mind Impro vemen t Owner ship Professional Ethic E- Comm erce Ethic Honest y Person al Ethic Self Contro l Image/ Reputation Attit ude Activ ity Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent

Cooperative in E-Tourism Industry (To be continued…) Coorp Info Proud of the Org./L oyalty Owner ship Develo pment Product Info Positiv e Thinki ng/Ser vice Minde d/ Applic ation Thinki ng/Op timisti c Knowl edge of Produc t R&D Product Info & Sales Conditio n Consumer Protection (Aware of cust advantage /benefit) Quality of Service Research/ Marketing Research with compet. Sales and Secretari al Hospital ity/ Helpful Social Activity Ex. Charity Group Activity/ Volunteer ing/ Coordinat or job Sales/ Cost/P rofit/L ost (Back office) Suggest ive (guide than to blame) Recruit ment (face to face intervie w)/ let them have experie nce in suggest ion system Produ cts Quant ity Convince in Ownersh ip/Syner gizing/ Defenciv e+Prote ctive in Org. benefit Staff Orientati on/ Creates Sense of belonging Resourc e& Environ ment Utilizatio n Info Environm ental Campaig ner (Conserv ative by personal) Environ mental/ Student Camp Infor matio n for comm unicat ing to others in the org. Corpor ative Charac ter to join with others in the org. Activi ty to build the chara cter of each work er in the org. OrganizationProcessTaskNormsCoorporativeDevelopment

Cooperative in E-Tourism Industry Cross Culture (Cultural Tourism) Sharing different beliefs & acceptanc e/ awareness of the diff. Course Taking (Ex. Religious in Humanitie s Faculty)/ comparativ e in beliefs) Venues (Adventur e Tourism) Challengin g/ encouragi ng Experien ce by themselv es + sharing with others (cust) Routing and Destinatio n (Tickets/ Airlines) Balancin g activity (ex. Betow travel+lif e balance) Designing Tour Package/ validating the program me raw material info (F&B – Back Office) Suggesti ve/ Convinci ng for Ownersh ip to others Staff Orient ation Product Research & Developm ent (Souvenir) Communi cate the products- info and feature/ Taste & Stylish - up to date Build up their Person ality Marketing Info (Back Office) Intelli gence Learni ng/ Detect ive Survey & Analyz e the Data Infor matio n Corpor ative Acti vity Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Corporati ve Developm ent

Development (To be continued…) MMIT InternetWeb Design Live Wire Policy & Business Strategy lab e- Commerce e-CRM/SFA Honesty customer communication lab Technical Visit Front DeskHIS Resourcefulnesshotel strategyre-skilling Inventory Control Stock Checking Focusingmarket demandpracticing Service Marketing (F&B) Menu Manage ment/ CRM Service Mind/ Adaptabl e/ Hygene Cross Culture Re – Skill/ Practicin g LogisticsTraveling on-time Communications Bureau practice Handicrafts Pricing Comparison Style & Taste/ Neat/Adapti ve Communica te the products- info and feature/ Taste & Stylish - up to date Sharing Story Knowl edge Sk ill Attit ude Co op er ati ve Deliv Mercha ndise Traini ng Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent

Development (To be continued…) Training Event Management/ PR Life- stlye Explanation objectivityFront Deskcheck in & out warm-hearted & quickness AccountingAuditingDetailedness Kn ow led ge Sk ill Attitu de Traini ng OrganizationProcessTaskNormsCoorporativeDevelopment

Self Study History and Culture Story tellingattraction Leisure Contingency Planning quick wit Health and Nutrition food arrangement safety Handicrafts Bargaining Skill Reasonable Kn ow led ge Sk ill Atti tud e Train ing Organizati on ProcessTaskNorms Coorporat ive Developm ent