Overview of member evaluation plans Agenda Item X. Joint Evaluation Marketplace 12 th Meeting of the Network on Development Evaluation June 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of member evaluation plans Agenda Item X. Joint Evaluation Marketplace 12 th Meeting of the Network on Development Evaluation June 2011

Overview Plan sharing serves several aims: –providing an overview of the overall evaluation landscape and trends, –helping members see what others are doing in a particular country or on a topic of mutual interest, –highlighting topics for potential collaboration. Database contains over 800 evaluations Plans from 34 members – 25 provided updates Excel sheet now available on public website 2

Ongoing and planned evaluations 3

Where are members evaluating? 4 > 6 evaluations >4 evaluations Top evaluation countries: Tanzania (12), Afghanistan (7) Benin, Honduras, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Philippines, Zambia, Bangladesh, Peru

Where might collaboration be useful? 5 Strongest potential for collaboration and mutual learning in: Bolivia, Peru, Haiti Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nepal Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, (Zambia)

Top sectors and topics 6

Please visit and browse the plans database on our website * Keep your plans up to date by ing: 7