小马公开课 400-663-1986 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 托福听力主旨题 By 海雪婷.


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Presentation transcript:

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 托福听力主旨题 By 海雪婷

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主旨题有多少?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 不出意外,文章第一题 主旨题 + 细节题 = 50% 主旨题难度增加

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主旨题分类 内容主旨 What is the lecture mainly about? What is the main topic of the lecture? What does the professor mainly discuss? 目的主旨 What is the main purpose of the lecture? Why does the student go to see the professor?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主旨题常用解题方法之一 听文章开头 较容易 常考目的主旨

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主旨题常听句 / 词 文章开头 ① And to get started I thought I’d mention something… ② Today, I want to talk about… ③ Let’s continue our discussion about… ④ Before we close today, we need to discuss … ⑤ Can I help you?

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk OK. Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle—Aristotle’s ethical theory. What Aristotle’s ethical theory is all about is this: he’s trying to show you how to be happy—what true happiness is. What is the main purpose of the lecture? ----To discuss Aristotle‘s views about human happiness Aristotle’s ethical theory about happiness

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk What is the main purpose of the lecture? And that’s what we would talk about, the theory of memes. A meme is defined as a piece of information copied from person to person. !To introduce a way to study how information passes from one person to another

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 主旨题常用解题方法之二 总结全文细节 较难 逐渐增多 多用于演讲

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk TPO What is the lecture mainly about? A. Differences between modern and ancient calendars B. The importance of astronomy in Egyptian religion C. The timekeeping systems of ancient Egypt D. How to use agriculture as a method of timekeeping Professor: Ok, so one of the challenges that faced ancient civilizations like Egypt was timekeeping, calendars. When you have to grow food for whole cities of people, it is important to plant your crops at the right time. And when you start having financial obligations, rents, taxes, you have to keep track of how often you pay. So today we will look at how the Egyptians adressed these problems.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk What is the main topic of the lecture? What is a pedestrian mall? Well, there are two critical factors to consider when creating a pedestrian mall----location and design…. Now let’s start with the location. Ok, so that’s location, but what about design? ! Key considerations in creating a pedestrian mall

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 开头 + 全文细节 What is the purpose of the lecture? Ok, I’m going to begin this lecture by giving you your next assignment. The name of the artist exhibiting here is Rose Frantzen. Rose Frantzen’s work may be unfamiliar to you since he is a relative young artist. … but anyway, Frantzen’s style is what she herself called Realistic Impressionism.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk Good. So when you go to the exhibit, I really want you to take a close look at a certain painting. It’s farm scene. One other painting I rally want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins.

小马公开课 小马公开课网址: bbs.xiaoma.com/gkk 开头 + 全文细节 What is the purpose of the lecture? To introduce an artist’s work to the class.