How did it make you feel when a parent, coach, friend, or boss showed partiality? Why is showing favoritism or partiality so hurtful?


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Presentation transcript:

How did it make you feel when a parent, coach, friend, or boss showed partiality? Why is showing favoritism or partiality so hurtful?

We all can think of moments when partiality has been prevalent in society. In today’s lesson we will see how, during the early days of the church, God broke down the walls between Jews and Gentiles, making salvation available to all.

All Are Welcome Acts 10:1-48 family theme: The church expands. family theme: The church expands.

God Wants the Church to Expand to All People Acts 10:1-23a

God Wants the Church to Expand to All People The vision God gave to Peter informed him that the gospel was to include the Gentiles as well.

God wants us to reach out to all people with the gospel. What are your personal thoughts about the church today and her response to current racial issues? What are some ways our church could reach out to different ethnic or socio- economic groups with the gospel?

The Church Expands Through People’s Connections Acts 10:23b-33

God established the church to make disciples and transfer the faith. In Acts 10, Peter and the other believers from Joppa began to do this among the Gentiles.

The Church Expands Through People’s Connections Many heard the gospel and believed that day because of their connection to Cornelius. One can reasonably conclude that Cornelius had spoken to those closest to him on many occasions about worshiping the one true God.

Invite people you know, and those outside your comfort zone, to hear about Jesus. What sometimes keeps us from sharing Christ with people we know? What are some ways we could connect with people outside our normal sphere of influence?

None Who Believe Are Excluded Acts 10:34-48

The focal point of Peter’s message to Cornelius and his guests was that God offers salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.

None Who Believe Are Excluded God was expanding His church to all who would believe. The only requirement necessary for salvation was faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

The church expands into every culture and every nation, one person at a time, as each believes in Christ as Savior. How could we better reflect God’s inclusiveness of all people? What is the basic message we are to share with all people?

John 1:40-42 John 1:45-46 John 4:29, 39

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