ECE 331 – Digital System Design Multi-bit Adder Circuits, Adder/Subtractor Circuit, and Multiplier Circuit (Lecture #12)


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Presentation transcript:

ECE 331 – Digital System Design Multi-bit Adder Circuits, Adder/Subtractor Circuit, and Multiplier Circuit (Lecture #12)

ECE Digital System Design2 Implementations of Multi-bit Adders: 1. Ripple Carry Adder 2. Carry Lookahead Adder

ECE Digital System Design3 Ripple Carry Adder Multi-bit Adder Circuits

ECE Digital System Design4 FA x n –1 c n c n1” y n1– s n1– FA x 1 c 2 y 1 s 1 c 1 x 0 y 0 s 0 c 0 MSB positionLSB position Ripple Carry Adder Carry ripples from one stage to the next Carry-in Carry-out

ECE Digital System Design5 Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL 22 2

ECE Digital System Design6 Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.pack.all; ENTITY add3bit IS PORT (a : IN std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); b : IN std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); cin : IN std_logic; s : OUT std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); cout : OUT std_logic); END add3bit;

ECE Digital System Design7 Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL ARCHITECTURE struct OF add3bit IS SIGNAL cin1, cin2: std_logic; BEGIN fa0: fa PORT MAP(a(0),b(0), cin, s(0), cin1 ); fa1: fa PORT MAP(a(1),b(1), cin1, s(1), cin2 ); fa2: fa PORT MAP(a(2),b(2), cin2, s(2), cout ); END struct;

ECE Digital System Design8 Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL CinCout ARCHITECTURE struct OF add3bit IS SIGNAL cin1, cin2: std_logic; BEGIN fa0: fa PORT MAP(a(0),b(0), cin, s(0), cin1 ); fa1: fa PORT MAP(a(1),b(1), cin1, s(1), cin2 ); fa2: fa PORT MAP(a(2),b(2), cin2, s(2), cout ); END struct;

ECE Digital System Design9 Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL ARCHITECTURE struct OF add3bit IS SIGNAL cy : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); BEGIN fa0: fa PORT MAP(a(0),b(0),cy(0), s(0), cy(1)); fa1: fa PORT MAP(a(1),b(1),cy(1), s(1), cy(2)); fa2: fa PORT MAP(a(2),b(2),cy(2), s(2), cy(3)); END struct; CinCout

ECE Digital System Design10 Ripple Carry Adder in VHDL ARCHITECTURE struct OF add3bit IS SIGNAL cy : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); BEGIN Adders: FOR i IN 0 TO 2 GENERATE myfa:fa PORT MAP(a(i),b(i),cy(i),s(i),cy(i+1)); END GENERATE; cout <= cy(3); cy(0) <= cin; END struct;

ECE Digital System Design11 The Ripple Carry Adder is slow! Why? How can the speed of the adder be increased?

ECE Digital System Design12 Increasing the speed of the Adder Method A: Include all inputs and outputs in the design  Inputs = X i, Y i, C in,i ; Outputs = S i, C out,i 1-bit3 inputs2 outputs 2-bit5 inputs3 outputs 4-bit9 inputs5 outputs n-bit2n+1 inputsn+1 outputs  Large number of operands, but only 2 logic levels Increase in speed Increase in area required decrease propagation delay increase # of logic gates Use Truth Table and K-Map to derive logic functions

ECE Digital System Design13 Increasing the speed of the Adder Method B: Manipulate the Boolean Expressions

ECE Digital System Design14 Carry Lookahead Adder Multi-bit Adder Circuits

ECE Digital System Design15 Carry Lookahead Adder Carry Generate 1101 Carry End 11 Carry Propagate X Y

ECE Digital System Design16 Carry Lookahead Adder Carry Generate  G i = X i. Y i  Always generates a carry if G i evaluates to true. Carry Propagate  P i = X i + Y i  Generates a carry if P i evaluates to true AND there was a Carry-In. Propagates the Carry-In if true.

ECE Digital System Design17

ECE Digital System Design18 Carry Lookahead Adder The Carry Generate (G i ) and Carry Propagate (P i ) can be created directly from the inputs. no ripple delay only 1 gate delay

ECE Digital System Design19 Carry Lookahead Adder C out,i is a function of G i and P i C out,i = (X i.Y i ) + ( (X i + Y i ).(C in,i ) )  This is the C out of the Full Adder C out,i = (G i ) + ( (P i ).(C in,i ) )  where C in,i = C out,i-1

ECE Digital System Design20 Carry Lookahead Adder For the LSB,  C out,i = (G 0 ) + ( (P 0 ).(C in,0 ) )  no ripple delay

ECE Digital System Design21 Carry Lookahead Adder For LSB+1:  C out,1 = (G 1 ) + ( (P 1 ). C in,1 )  C out,1 = (G 1 ) + ( (P 1 ). C out,0 )  C out,1 = (G 1 ) + ( (P 1 ). (G 0 + P 0.C in,0 ) )  C out,1 = G 1 + P 1.G 0 + P 1.P 0.C in,0 All G and P terms derived directly from associated inputs No ripple delay

ECE Digital System Design22 Carry Lookahead Adder For LSB+2:  C out,2 = (G 2 ) + ( (P 2 ). C in,2 )  C out,2 = (G 2 ) + ( (P 2 ). C out,1 )  C out,2 = (G 2 ) + ( (P 2 ). (G 1 + P 1.C in,1 ) )  C out,2 = (G 2 ) + ( (P 2 ). (G 1 + P 1.C out,0 ) )  C out,2 = G 2 + P 2.G 1 + P 2.P 1.C out,0 Similar for LSB+3, LSB+4, etc. Must be expanded in terms of G 0, P 0, and C in,0

ECE Digital System Design23 x 1 y 1 g 1 p 1 s 1 x 0 y 0 s 0 c 2 x 0 y 0 c 0 c 1 g 0 p 0

ECE Digital System Design24 Carry Lookahead Adder Sum: S i is a function of X i, Y i, and C in,i  S i = X i xor Y i xor C in,i  S i = X i xor Y i xor C out,i-1 Carry: C out,i derived from G i and P i  G i and P i are functions of the inputs Carries do not ripple from one stage to the next  Delay ~ log 2 (n)  Area required ~ (n)*(log 2 (n)) Greater than area required for RCA

ECE Digital System Design25 Carry Lookahead Adder 74LS283: 4-bit Binary Adder with Fast Carry

ECE Digital System Design26 Hierarchical Design: Building a bigger Adder Multi-bit Adder Circuits

ECE Digital System Design27 Block x 3124– c 32 c 24 y 3124– s 3124– x 158– c 16 y 158– s 8– c 8 x 70– y 70– s 70– c 0 3 Block 1 0 Hierarchical Design Carry Lookahead Adder Ripple carry (between blocks)

ECE Digital System Design28 Adder / Subtractor using Two's Complement

ECE Digital System Design29 Adder / Subtractor using Two’s Complement Could build separate binary adder and subtractor  Not common Use Two’s Complement integer representation  Addition uses binary adder  Subtraction uses binary adder with the Two’s Complement representation for the subtrahend Issues  Cannot directly convert the most negative n-bit binary number to Two’s complement representation  Must detect overflow

ECE Digital System Design30 Adder / Subtractor

ECE Digital System Design31 Detecting Overflow Compare sign of operands with sign of result  Overflow occurs if operands have same sign and result has different sign Addition of two positive #s results in negative # Addition of two negative #s results in positive # Logic function(s) for overflow (for a 4-bit Adder)  Overflow = X 3.Y 3.S 3 ' + X 3 '.Y 3 '.S 3  Overflow = C 3 xor C 4 = C 3 '.C 4 + C 3.C 4 '

ECE Digital System Design32 Multiplier Circuit

ECE Digital System Design33 Multiplier Circuit Multiplication requires two basic operations:  Addition  Logical Shift A binary multiplier circuit can be designed hierarchically using  Full Adders  AND gates

ECE Digital System Design34 Binary Multiplication  Multiplicand M Multiplier Q Product P (11) (14) (154) Partial product 0 Partial product 1 Partial product 2 4 bits 8 bits # of bits in P = # of bits in M + # of bits in Q

ECE Digital System Design35 Binary Multiplication M (Multiplicand) = m 3 m 2 m 1 m 0 Q (Multiplier) = q 3 q 2 q 1 q 0 PP0 = m 3.q 0 m 2.q 0 m 1.q 0 m 0.q 0 0pp0 3 pp0 2 pp0 1 pp0 0 +m 3.q 1 m 2.q 1 m 1.q 1 m 0.q 1 0 PP1 = pp1 4 pp1 3 pp1 2 pp1 1 pp1 0 partial product

ECE Digital System Design36 Multiplier Circuit PP1 PP2

ECE Digital System Design37 Multiplier Circuit Bit of PPi