高中基础 (2291 期 20151110) 头版 Reality TV Gets Really Real!


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Presentation transcript:

高中基础 (2291 期 ) 头版 Reality TV Gets Really Real!

How much do you know about the work of the medical staff? Is there anyone around you who is a doctor or a nurse? How much do you know about the work of the medical staff? Is there anyone around you who is a doctor or a nurse? Have you ever watched the show The Story in ER? If so, do you like it? What do you think of it? Have you ever watched the show The Story in ER? If so, do you like it? What do you think of it? 2 Pre-reading

Scan the article and decide in which paragraph (1-6) you can find the answer to the following questions. 3 SCAN AND ANSWER 1. How many reality shows are there on British TV? 2. How does The Story in ER differ from other reality shows? 3. What can we learn from watching The Story in ER? 4. When was The Story in ER first shown to the public? 5. Where was reality TV originated? Pre-reading

4 feature v. 以 …… 为特色 WORD BANK These shows are unscripted and feature ordinary people in different situations. They are not really documentaries, but, instead, focus on personal dramas and personal conflicts. Sometimes, these dramas and conflicts are manipulated by... manipulate v. 暗中控制 While reading conflict n. 冲突,争论 documentary n. 纪录片

5 No need for manipulation here! Some of the cases may be disturbing to watch, but we can’t help but keep watching, because it’s human nature to be fascinated by the ups and downs of the lives of... WORD BANK disturbing adj. 令人不安的,引起恐慌的 manipulation n. 暗中控制 While reading fascinate v. 深深吸引 ups and downs 跌宕起伏

6... gives us a chance to go behind the scenes and see how hospitals function and how hard the medical staff works. It allows us to imagine how we might react in similar stressful situations. WORD BANK While reading function v. 运转,运作 scene n. 场面,镜头 react v. 反应 stressful adj. 紧张的,压力重的

7 1. The atmosphere in the courtroom was extremely ___________. (tension) 2. Throughout her career, she has very successfully _____________ the media. (manipulation) 3. I would be ___________ to know what you really think. (fascinate) 4. ___________ to the proposal so far have been favorable. (react) 5. The new hospital isn’t fully ___________ as yet. (function) Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given word. manipulated Reactions fascinated functional tense VOCABULARY EXERCISES While reading

8 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 软饮料最初始于巴黎。 (beginning) 2. 我不禁要对他的决心表示钦佩。 (can’t help but...) 3. 撰稿者大多是专业科学家。 (for the most part) 年将是情势多变的一年。 (ups and downs) Soft drinks had its beginnings in Paris. The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists. I can’t help but admire his determination. VOCABULARY EXERCISES 2016 is going to be a year of ups and downs. While reading

1. What happened to the boy mentioned in Paragraph 1? A. He was caught in a traffic accident. B. He was hurt by a stranger. C. He was hit by a bus on his way home. D. He got injured in the leg when he was running. 9 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading

2. According to the article, which of the following adjectives best describes the theme of The Story in ER? ① entertaining ② distressing ③ educational ④ fascinating A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ②④ 10 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading

3. Which of the following statements can we infer from the article? A. The Story in ER can teach us how to avoid getting injured. B. The Story in ER is less entertaining compared to The Voice of China. C. Not every story in The Story in ER has a happy ending. D. Among all European countries, Britain has the largest number of reality shows. 11 Choose the best answer. COMPREHENSION O While reading

1. According to the article, what are the features of Reality TV? 12 Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION Reality TV shows are unscripted and feature ordinary people in different situations. They focus on personal dramas and personal conflicts. While reading

2. What does the author think we can learn from watching The Story in ER? 13 We can learn how hospitals function and how hard the medical staff works by watching the show. The shows can also lead us to appreciate our own lives. Answer the following question. COMPREHENSION While reading

In the Emergency Room of Shanghai No. 6 People’s Hospital, the medical staff work feverishly to save the leg. ☞ 有些集体名词,比如 audience 、 committee 、 class (班级)、 team (球队)、 crew (机组人员)、 public (公众)、 family 、 government 等,既可被视作单数概念,也可被视作复数概念, 取决于重点是放在把他们看成是一个整体,还是放在组成这 个集体的成员上。 上面的例 1 中,每个 staff 的分工不同,所以重点是放在每 个 staff 个体上;而例 2 中,则是将 staff 看作一个整体。 14 GRAMMAR TIP Language study The Story in ER, for example, gives us a chance to go behind the scenes and see... how hard the medical staff works.

15 Language study YOUR TURN Complete the following sentences. 1. 这个班由 52 个学生组成。 This class ___________________________________. 2. 这个班的学生现在在学习英语。 This class ____________________________________. 3. 那支足球队正在庆祝胜利。 The football team ______________________________. 4. 这个委员会由所有成员轮流担任主席。 The committee ________________________________ ____________________. are studying English now is/are celebrating its/their victory consists of 52 students is chaired by all the members in turn is chaired by all the members in turn

Among all the popular reality shows on TV, which one do you like most? Why? Question for further discussion: Hints After reading My favorite TV show is Survivor Games. The show is rather fascinating to watch, and we can learn some survival skills through the show. 16