Section C Filling in Invoices. Invoice Invoice 发票有商业发票( commercial invoice )和形式发票 ( pro forma invoice )之分。 商业发票是由出口商填制并开给进口商的一种商业单据, 它是记账单据,也是卖方凭此向买方索取提供货物或服务.


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Presentation transcript:

Section C Filling in Invoices

Invoice Invoice 发票有商业发票( commercial invoice )和形式发票 ( pro forma invoice )之分。 商业发票是由出口商填制并开给进口商的一种商业单据, 它是记账单据,也是卖方凭此向买方索取提供货物或服务 价款的重要单据。 形式发票是在交易达成之前,出口商根据某些国家申请 进口许可证或申请核批进口外汇时必须提供出口方发票的 规定,开给进口方的一种固定格式,对双方均无最终约束 力的单据,也叫 “ 预开发票 ” 。 形式发票其实也是交易中虚盘( offer without engagement )形式的一种。如果形式发票上注明了有效 期,则有实盘( firm offer )的性质。成交后,形式发票不 能代替正式发票使用。

Invoice 形式发票的内容与商业发票的内容一致,主要有: 1. 卖方 (the seller) 一般是信用证的受益人 (beneficiary) ; 2. 买方 (the buyer) ; 3. 发票号码 (invoice number) ; 4. 发票日期 (invoice date) ; 5. 目的地 (place or port of destination) ; 6. 货物描述 (description of goods) ; 7. 货物数量 (quantity) ; 8. 货物单价 (unit price) ; 9. 总金额 (total amount) ; 10. 付款方式 (payment) 等。

Sample Timeright Watches Tel: (061) Time House Telex: Fell Road Manchester M6 8LK J R Gomez 60 Rua Braancamp Lisbon Portugal Date: 6 May 2003 INVOICE No. MT Your order number: NP/6821

Some More Information about Invoice I. Information about commercial invoice Invoice: A list of goods that have been supplied or work Invoice: A list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing how much you owe for them. that has been done, showing how much you owe for them. Invoice Number: The supplier invoice reference number. Invoice Number: The supplier invoice reference number. Invoice Date: The issue date of the invoice. Invoice Date: The issue date of the invoice. Order Number: The customer order number of the goods. Order Number: The customer order number of the goods. Shipper: A company that sends goods to places by ship. Shipper: A company that sends goods to places by ship.

Some More Information about Invoice II. Information about the sender of the goods Name: The name of the sender. Name: The name of the sender. Address: The complete address of the sender, which Address: The complete address of the sender, which includes the postal/zip code ( 邮政编码 ) and the includes the postal/zip code ( 邮政编码 ) and the city name. city name. Telephone: The telephone number of the sender. Telephone: The telephone number of the sender. Fax: The fax number of the sender. Fax: The fax number of the sender. Country: The country the sender is located in. Country: The country the sender is located in. Consignee ( 收货人 ): The person that something is Consignee ( 收货人 ): The person that something is delivered to. delivered to.

Some More Information about Invoice III. Information about the sender of the goods Name: The name of the receiver. Name: The name of the receiver. Address: The complete address of the receiver, which Address: The complete address of the receiver, which includes the postal/zip code and the city. includes the postal/zip code and the city. Telephone: The telephone number of the receiver. Telephone: The telephone number of the receiver. Fax: The fax number of the receiver. Fax: The fax number of the receiver. Country: The country the receiver is located in. Country: The country the receiver is located in. Notify Party ( 通知方 ): The name of the party who affects the delivery of the goods. Notify Party ( 通知方 ): The name of the party who affects the delivery of the goods. Address: The address of the party to be notified. Address: The address of the party to be notified. Shipping: The delivery of goods, especially by ship. Shipping: The delivery of goods, especially by ship.

Some More Information about Invoice IV. Information about the shipping of the goods Forwarding Company ( 货运代理公司 ): The shipping company name. Forwarding Company ( 货运代理公司 ): The shipping company name. Date of Export: The date of which the goods are shipped. Date of Export: The date of which the goods are shipped. Payment Mode: The paying mode of shipping which may be prepaid ( 运费预收 ) or collect ( 运费待收 ). Payment Mode: The paying mode of shipping which may be prepaid ( 运费预收 ) or collect ( 运费待收 ). Shipment Information: It refers to the information about Shipment Information: It refers to the information about the goods to be shipped. the goods to be shipped. Number of Pieces: The number of items the shipment Number of Pieces: The number of items the shipment consists of. consists of.

Some More Information about Invoice Specification of Commodities: The description and nature of the goods shipped. Country of Origin: The country where the goods were manufactured. Qty: Number of units of the goods. Unit Price: The value of each item unit. Amount: The amount of each set of goods. Currency: The currency used for pricing the item. Total Amount: The total value of the shipment. Reason for Sending: The purpose for shipping the goods. Name: The name of the sender. Signature: The signature/company stamp of the sender.

Exercise Direction: Translate the following Chinese into English, using the words and expressions in the sample invoice. 1. 形式发票 2. 我方函电 3. 贵方函电 4. 货号 5. 品名及规格 6. 数量 7. 单价及价格条款 8. 总金额 9. 装运期限 10. 目的地 11. 付款方式 12. 保险 1. pro forma invoice 2. our ref. 3. your ref. 4. art. no. 5. commodity and specification 6. quantity 7. unit price and terms 8. total amount 9. shipment 10. destination 11. payment 12. insurance