Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel.


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Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel

This professional development is brought to you by: (AACC) Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center: A WestEd and CRESST partnership ( and the (NCCC) North Central Comprehensive Center at McREL ( The work reported herein was supported by WestEd, grant number 4956 s05-093, through the Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center, and by McREL, grant number S283B050024, through the North Central Comprehensive Center at McREL, as administered by the U.S. Department of Education. The findings and opinions expressed in this program are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of AACC, CRESST, WestEd, McREL, NCCC, or the U.S. Department of Education.

Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel Positive Classroom Culture Peer Assessment Supporting Peer Assessment Self-Assessment Introduction Lesson 1 Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5 Supporting Self-Assessment Main Messages, Learning Goals, Success Criteria Slide 1

Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel Main Messages Slide 2 Lesson 1 Positive classroom culture is constructed, supported and maintained by both teachers and students Lesson 2 Peer assessment is a process where students provide feedback to each other Lesson 3 Teachers need to teach, model, provide practice, feedback and monitor students’ use of peer assessment strategies Lesson 4 When students are involved in self-assessment, they are developing metacognitive skills Lesson 5 Students need to be taught strategies for self-assessment

Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel  Understand the need for a classroom culture conducive to formative assessment  Understand the impact of teacher attitudes and beliefs about student learning on student achievement  Understand the role of metacognition in learning  Gain knowledge of strategies for peer and self-assessment  Understand the value of peer and self-assessment in learning Learning Goals Slide 3

Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel  Identify the indicators of a classroom culture that supports formative assessment practices  Explain how a classroom culture supports formative assessment practices  Describe the impact of teacher attitudes and beliefs about student learning on student achievement  Explain the role of metacognition in learning  Identify strategies for peer and self-assessment  Explain the value of peer and self-assessment in learning Success Criteria Slide 4

Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel The Process of Formative Assessment (Heritage, 2010) Slide 5 Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel

The Process of Formative Assessment (Heritage, 2010) Slide 6 Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel

What do we mean… When we say… Students take responsibility for their own learning? Students are partners in learning? Students are involved in their learning? Slide 7

Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel Turn & Talk Slide 8 In pairs or small groups, discuss your ideas about what student involvement in learning and assessment entails. Copyright © 2012 Assessment and Accountability Comprehensive Center & North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel