1FJPPL-07 1 st Workshop FJPPL ’ 07. 2FJPPL-07 This Joint Laboratory is established by the initiative of Profs. Yoji Totsuka and Michel Spiro to encourage.


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Presentation transcript:

1FJPPL-07 1 st Workshop FJPPL ’ 07

2FJPPL-07 This Joint Laboratory is established by the initiative of Profs. Yoji Totsuka and Michel Spiro to encourage Japanese and French physicists for closer collaborative works on particle physics and related topics by providing them with support, for travel to begin with, on the basis of MOU between KEK for the Japanese side and CNRS and CEA for the French side.

3FJPPL-07 We thank French colleagues for their enthusiasm and efforts to join this program and participation by so many people in this workshop. Obviously we have so may area of common interest. Let us make a new history for the Japan-French scientific collaboration together.

4FJPPL Number of Projects Accelerator 3 4 LHC 2 2 Neutrino (incl. DBD) 3 6 Belle 2 2 Phys Simulation 1 1 Grid 1 1 Detector R&D 6 5 Astro-Particle Physics 0 1 Bio-medical science 0 1 Some statistics

5FJPPL Number of Japanese People Accelerator LHC Neutrino (incl. DBD) Belle 4 8 Phys Simulation 8 15 Grid 3 5 Detector R&D Astro-physics 0 11 Bio-medical Science 0 4

6FJPPL Number of People traveled 42 (supported by this program) Accelerator 7 LHC 1 Neutrino (incl. DBD) 8 Belle 5 Phys Simulation 8 Grid 2 Detector R&D 11 Astro Physics 0 Bio-medical Science 0

7FJPPL-07 Remark : There are impressive number of projects proposed and have already started joint works. We thank efforts of people of both French and Japanese sides.

8FJPPL-07 Number of Participants 88 From French Institutions 35 From Japanese Institutions 53 ( KEK 33, Japanese Institution only 20 )

9FJPPL-07 One worry: Looking at very few number of Japanese participants in this workshop, I am afraid that it may hint the fact that we have not done a good job to provide the Japanese community with more information on this program. We have many more home works to do. We hope that this situation will be improved soon and this joint laboratory will really become useful in providing us with opportunity for the fruitful joint works and will be much more appreciated by the Japanese side.

10FJPPL-07 One remark: KEK’s Budget can provide only KEK staffs with support for travel because of the KEK’s regulation. People from other Japanese institutions have to find it by their own efforts. We hope that this does pose a serious obstacle to the successful collaboration in this program. If it does, we have to think about some way to get rid of or get around it soon.

11FJPPL-07 Remark : We got an expression of interest of joining this program by other European countries. We welcome new members from institutions from other European countries so that we can discuss issues of interest more globally. The extension of the agreement to other European countries will be discussed in the steering committee on May 12th.

12FJPPL-07 Conclusion: We have made a good start of collaboration and have already heard quite encouraging results of joint works and many suggestions for the improvement on various aspects of projects during the workshop. We will see each other with much more progress in all projects at the next occasion.

13FJPPL-07 We thank Dr. Denis Perret-Gallix, Profs. Junji Haba and Hitoshi Hayano for making this workshop possible. We thank also Mr. Shinji Iwami and his colleagues of the KEK international office for various arrangement of this workshop.