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Presentation transcript:

Поетично – пісенна композиція «Seasons Festival»

“Seasons” In spring the trees are green. In autumn they are red and golden, In summer the sun is bright, In winter the snow is white. But we can play and we can sing In autumn and in winter, In summer and in spring.

Many years ago Mother Earth and Father Sun had many children. They had 4 daughters: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. When they were little, they were fond of being together, playing with the same toys, wearing the same dresses. When they became grown – ups, everyone understood how different they were.

Winter. I am the first sister. Oh, I’m so beautiful and cold! My hair is fair and long! I am fond of white color. I like it when everything is clean and white. December Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire and Christmas treat. I am the month when snow is nice, When children skate on the strong ice. January January brings the snow Makes your feet and fingers glow. I am the month when wind is chill And icicles hang from the window sills. February February brings the rain Thaws the frozen lake again. I am the month when mornings are dark, And birds do not sings in the forests and park.

Spring. I am the second sister. I like singing songs. I can make you happy. I can speak in such a way, that you will feel easiness in your soul and happiness in your heart. My favorite color is green. March March brings breezes loud and shrill To stir the dancing daffodil. Grey winter has gone away. The world looks new and gay. April April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daises at your feet. Nature is awaking. Birds are singing. The sun is smiling. The bright day is ringing. May May brings flocks of pretty lambs, Shipping by their fleecy dams. The sun is shining. The flowers are blooming. The sky is blue. The rains are few.

Summer. I am the third sister. I am active and lively. I get up early and work daily from morning till night very hard. My skilful hands can spin, weave, and embroider very well. I like everything painted in different colors. June June brings tulips, lilies, roses, Fills the children’s hands with posies. The sky is blue. The rains are few. July Hot July brings cooling showers, Berries sweet and gillyflowers. Children run and swim and play They are happy everyday. August August brings the sheaves of corn, Then the harvest home is born. It brings very tasty fruit. All the things are so good!

Autumn. I am the fourth season, the fourth sister. I have brown eyes and curly red hair. I am clever and beautiful. Yellow and red are the best colors for me. September Warm September brings the fruit, Hunters then begin to shoot. Leaves turn brown, red and yellow, Nature is beautiful, my fellow. October Fresh October brings the pheasant. Then to gather nuts is pleasant. The rain is raining all around. It falls on field and tree. It rains on the umbrellas here, And on the ships at sea. November Dull November brings the blast, Then the leaves are whirling fast. The winds are blowing. Nature is grey. The sky is cloudy every day.

Spring. Now farewell, we must go. Summer. But we’ll be back. Autumn. Each of us in it’s time. Winter. To bring you a good cheer. Seasons. Each month! We were happy to be with you! Good bye!