Birth : 1872 Death : 1944 Country : Netherlands Painter Piet Mondrian is a dutch painter. He starts painting landscapes than works with primary colors : red, yellow and blue that he associates with white. He uses blackpaint to bound colors. He structured his work with squares and rectangular forms. He is one of the first abstract painter of the twentyth century.
Step 1 : Material : White thick paper, adhesive tape, 3 primary colors, brushes. The teacher prepares the adhesive tape and cross them (if children have 2 or 3 years old). The 4 and 5 years old can do it by themself. Instruction : The children must fill in each square with a primary color without extending beyond the limits. When it's dry, they can remove the adhesive tape.
Step 2 : Material : black thick paper, 3 primarys colors paper already cut out in small pieces (square and rectangle,) glue, Instruction: fill in the black surface, the papers can't touch each other, you must use the 3 colors
Step 3 : Material : a big white sheet, long black rectangles, 3 primary colors paper already cut in pieces – square or rectangle- glue, Instruction: Fill in the white surface with the squares and rectangles, they can't touch each other, you must use the 3 colors. Then stick the black line from top to bottom (the adult can turn the paper sheet).
Step 4 : Matérial : long black rectangles, 3 primary colors paper already cut in pieces – square or rectangle- glue, Instruction: the children chose some papers (3 colors) and link them with the black rectangles. Tie with a string to do a mobile.
Step 5 : Material : white thick paper, 3 primary colorpaint and black paint – brushes Instruction: with black paint, draw lines from top to bottom (teacher turn the paper). For the younger children, we can mark the beginning of each line. When it's dry children can fill in some of the squares with the 3 colors. The same color can't be side by side.
Step 6 : Material : lines in black and white paper and 3 primary colors paper, glue, scissors Instruction: with the pair of scissor, children cut the coloured paper in small pieces. They stick the pieces on the white or black lines. It's a free activity they can do without adults.