Q u a l i t y 1 Austin Energy Electric Service Delivery Quality Management System.


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Presentation transcript:

q u a l i t y 1 Austin Energy Electric Service Delivery Quality Management System

q u a l i t y 2 ISO Project Charter  Develop and implement a quality management system using ISO standards for Austin Energy’s Electric Service Delivery (ESD) business unit

q u a l i t y 3 ISO 9001: What is it?  ISO is the International Organization for Standardization  ISO 9000:2000 defines the standards and requirements for a quality management system

q u a l i t y 4 Quality Management System Requirements  Quality Manual including quality policy and objectives  ISO required procedures –Documentation management –Records management –Internal audit system –Performance measurement –Preventive and corrective Actions –Non-conforming product management  ESD process documentation

q u a l i t y 5 Why did ESD implement a quality management system?  Meet customer needs and expectations  Establish credibility with external customers  Facilitate improvements in system reliability  Establish consistency in processes & service delivery  Facilitate knowledge transfer of processes & procedures  Establish a forum for continuous improvement

q u a l i t y 6 Implementation Schedule  Hired consultant to assist with implementation Aug 2006  Conducted ISO 9001:2000 training for Project Team, ESD Management & Employees Aug – Dec 2006  Developed & obtained approval of ESD Quality Management System (QMS) project plan Sep - Oct 2006  Conducted gap analysisOct 2006  Established Customer Advisory Council (Samsung, Freescale & National Instruments) Oct 2006  Purchased and implemented QMS software Dec Apr 2007

q u a l i t y 7 Implementation Schedule (cont.)  Developed QMS including:  Quality Manual (policy and objectives)  ISO required procedures  ESD process documentation Oct 2006 – Jul 2007  Implemented QMS  Conducted employee training on QMS  Conducted internal management reviews & audits on QMS Jul – Dec 2007  Pre-assessment audit conducted by registrar Nov 2007  Registration audit conducted by registrar Dec 2007  Obtained ISO registration Jan 3, 2008  Continuous improvement of QMS Ongoing

q u a l i t y 8 Benefits to Date  Documented work processes  Improved consistency in execution of processes across organization  Improved documentation of records  Increased communication across workgroups  More focused efforts for implementing corrective and preventive actions and improvements

q u a l i t y 9 Multi Meter Calibration  All multi meters are tested and calibrated.  Two new meters failed initial testing and calibration.  Meters were returned to the manufacture with a Safety Warning!

q u a l i t y 10 Metrology tests all new meters before they are used.

q u a l i t y 11 Established ESD Quality Center

q u a l i t y 12 Benefits to Date

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q u a l i t y 14 UG Locating Tickets 2008

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