Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP ) 1
Popp at a glance The Psychology of Parenting Project, developed within NHS Education for Scotland (NES), is aimed at improving the availability of high-quality evidence-based parenting programmes for families with young children who have elevated levels of behavioural problems. It has been approved and funded by the Early Years Taskforce and Mental Health Division. Commitments relating to a national roll-out of the PoPP model are included in the Mental Health and National Parenting Strategies. The plan aligns with the public service reform agenda by promoting cross-sector and cost-effective early intervention. The model also chimes with the GIRFEC framework as it places children at the centre of services, and values the assets of the families and the communities in which they live. 2
The Popp Plan The PoPP plan targets 3 and 4 year-olds who exhibit concerning levels of behavioural difficulties and has selected two robustly-researched group- based parenting programmes, The Incredible Years Preschool BASIC and Level 4 Group Triple P. In Scotland, since the early months of 2013, several Community Planning Partnership (CPPs) sites are working with the PoPP team and adopting the framework in their areas. West Lothian, Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire, Fife and Argyll and Bute, Highland, Perth and Kinross, Scottish Borders, East Lothian and City of Edinburgh Council. In Edinburgh approximately 30 PoPP Practitioners have been trained and delivering both PoPP groups. The groups take place in various neighbourhoods around the city. 3
Why target young children with behavioural problems? Approximately 10% of preschool children display high levels of behavioural problems that can be associated with a host of poor outcomes such as school exclusion, juvenile delinquency, substance misuse and mental health difficulties later in life. By their late-twenties, children with these difficulties are set to cost the public purse ten times more than their normative peers. Why focus on parenting? "If a community values its children it must cherish their parents." (Bowlby, 1951, p. 84) Decades of research shows that, while child development is influenced by different and complex factors, a child’s early experience of relationships with their main care-givers is one of the most powerful forces in promoting positive outcomes. 4
Parenting programmes Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) Level 4 Group Triple P The Incredible Years® BASIC Pre-school 5
6 LEVEL 4 GROUP TRIPLE PThe Incredible Years BASIC Preschool It is a 14 week programme, of 2 hours x session. It is an 8 week programme: four x 2 hour group sessions (once per week), followed by three individualised 15 – 30 min telephone calls (once per week), and then one final group session. Up to 12 parents attend a group, with 2 group facilitators leading each group. Parents are encouraged to identify their own goals and to discover and adopt positive parenting strategies that develop and strengthen a positive relationship with their child, increase desirable and reduce undesirable behaviour. Methods and resources include DVDs, power point slides, parent workbooks, group discussion, in-session practice and home-based goal-driven practice.
GroupSessions Level 4 Group Triple P and The Incredible Years Group Sessions Both programmes explore ways to manage problems such asaggressiontantrumsshouting answering back refusing to follow rules By working on the following topics Positive parenting Helping children develop Managing misbehaviour Planning ahead 7
8 General Aims To promote the development, growth, health and social competencies of children and young people. To promote the development of non-violent, protective and nurturing environments for children. To promote the independence and health of families by enhancing parents’ knowledge, skills and confidence. To enhance the competence, resourcefulness and self- sufficiency of parents in raising their children. To reduce the incidence of behavioural problems, child abuse, mental illness and delinquency.
PoPP Application - Referral Process 9 or (between 10 am and 3pm, Monday to Friday) uk PARENTPROFESSIONAL PRATICTIONERS contact/visit the family
What can you do? Promote the programme in your setting Help parents to apply Support parents in attending Support parents in putting ideas into practice 10
11 LINKS Storyboard NHS Education for Scotland under ‘Psychology’, and in section ‘Psychology of Parenting Project’ Triple P Positive Parenting website All parenting courses are listed on