Overview of NJ 2-1-1 Partnership. General Information 2-1-1 was established in 1997 First 2-1-1 in Atlanta, GA – United Way of Metro Atlanta Today, there.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of NJ Partnership

General Information was established in 1997 First in Atlanta, GA – United Way of Metro Atlanta Today, there are s US, Canada, Puerto Rico 48% associated with the UW in their community State emergency preparedness & Homeland Security are also common funding sources for 2-1-1

Mission of NJ To make a critical connection between individuals and families seeking health or human services and the community referrals best able to meet their needs

Finding help should not be difficult reduces confusion, frustration and unnecessary delay in getting help. Improves the use of community resources by directing people to appropriate services quickly.

We serve all 21 counties

NJ is … 24/7/365 access to health, human and social services Multi-lingual access (170+ languages) Accessible for the hearing impaired (TTY) Accredited by AIRS - Alliance of Information & Referral Systems, nationally recognized I&R standards Virtual call center environment Mobile App available at -

Most Frequently Requested Services Temporary (Emergency) Financial Assistance Housing Mental Health and Counseling Food Older Adults/Disabled Health/Medical Transportation Donor Services Holiday Assistance Material Resources Legal Services

NJ Lines of Business NJ Home Energy Assistance Information Line (LIHEAP/USF) Suspicious Activity Reporting through the NJ portal ReNew Jersey Stronger Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Homeless Hotline: Morris, Passaic, Middlesex, Montgomery (PA) Atlantic City Casino Closing Hotline -

Data Collection and Reporting Record caller demographics, needs and referrals and report statewide, by county and to the municipal level. Use reports to help inform key decision makers about real time needs In a disaster, reports can reflect changing trends and unmet needs within affected areas.

NJ Role in a Disaster Provide a reassuring voice of reason and accurate and real time information Assistance Guides: Floods, Hurricanes, Haitian Earthquake Identify gaps in service so resources can be located or deployed UVIS – Uniform Victim Identification System CDC and UWW Flu on Call/Pandemic Plan

Collaborative Relationships NJ Department of Human Services NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness NJ Office of Emergency Management NJ Department of Community Affairs NJ Department of Health NJ Housing & Mortgage Finance Agency (Housing Resource Center) NJ Department of Children and Families State VOAD (Fiscal Agent & Coordinator for LTRG) FEMA US Social Services Agencies

NJ Initiatives Compassion Fund Diabetes Prevention and Education EITC / VITA Endhungernj.org and Homeless Hotline Kinship Portal Njfindaride.org NJ Housing Resource Center Prescription Drug Cards Special Needs Registry USF/LIHEAP UVIS

Home Energy Assistance Program Utility assistance is our #1 call Provide assistance for USF and LIHEAP and Weatherization Our role is to provide the following:  screen callers for eligibility  explain how the various home energy assistance programs work  confirm documents needed to support the application process  location and hours of your local application agency  check on the status of your application once it has been filed  help find alternative resources if you don't qualify for the state utility assistance programs

Training & Development Comprehensive 2 week training program  Call Protocol  Systems  Program Knowledge and Procedures Blended learning approach Mentors Continuous training – internal and external presenters

Training & Development Quality Assurance  Monitoring  Coaching  Calibration AIRS Certified Staff  CIRS – Call Specialists  CRS – Resource Specialists

Our goal is simple……..