EuropeAid Civil Society in EC Development Policy 26th Meeting of ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups Brussels, 7th July 2011 Angelo Baglio Head.


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Presentation transcript:

EuropeAid Civil Society in EC Development Policy 26th Meeting of ACP-EU Economic and Social Interest Groups Brussels, 7th July 2011 Angelo Baglio Head of Unit, DEVCO Unit D2 « Civil Society, Local Authorities »

EuropeAid Index 1.EC Funding opportunities for CSOs 2. Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid Civil Society in EC Development Policy Globally the EU channels € 800 million to 1 billion every year through CSOs. This amounts to approximately 12% of total funds (EDF and BUDGET).

EuropeAid 1. EC Funding Opportunities for CSOs Consultation and Policy Dialogue The requirement of Paris declaration principles and Accra Agenda to combine aid effectiveness and participation, open space for CSOs, local authorities and parliament in bilateral cooperation between the EU and ACP partner countries. The Cotonou agreement (article 6) made consultation with CSOs in the preparation of CSPs compulsory; Consultations with Local Authorities and Parliament are also foreseen in the revised Cotonou Agreement (article 4). However the (ongoing) mid term review of the 10th EDF shows slow and unsatisfactory progress in that respect. Cooperation with CSOs within the 10 th EDF

EuropeAid Capacity Building for CSOs The consultation role of CSOs in development of Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programmes implies improving their capacity to play new roles; it is key to increase their space as interlocutors in policy dialogue and domestic accountability mechanisms. The « governance » component of the 10th EDF encourages partner countries to implement capacity development programmes for CSOs; full agreement of the partner country is needed and might be an obstacle. Under the 10th EDF, about 44 programmes will be approved – with an average contribution per programme of € 6/7 million (EDF fund/A envelopes): 17,8 % is allocated to democratic governance, of which 1,8% directly to NSAs for Capacity Development (envelop A). Cooperation with CSOs within the 10 th EDF

EuropeAid Non State Actors in GBS and SPSP Under the 10th EDF, 44,7% of aid delivered under the mechanism of Budget Support (GBS: 29,3% and SPSP 15,4). A challenge is to involve NSAs in General Budget Support (GBS) and Sector Policy Support Programmes (SPSP). A study commissioned by DEVCO found that a number of delegations had successfully engaged NSAs in GBS (Ghana) or SPSP (Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco). Complementarity will be encouraged to engaging NSAs in New Aid Modalities by several means (project approach; thematic programmes); The new guidelines on Budget Support (in preparation) will reinforce the governance and domestic accountability principles, and recognize the role of NSAs in that respect. Cooperation with CSOs within the 10 th EDF

EuropeAid Examples of CSO capacity development through geographic programmes Ivory Coast (Liane): Increase the capacity of CSOs to play a leading role in post conflict situation and reconciliation (€ 4 million); Niger (Pasoc II): Strengthen the capacity of NSA to be more involved in poverty alleviation programme in 4 remote regions; cultural actors will be identified through a mapping and ply a key role (€ 8 million); Mauritania (Pesc): support decentralisation process and, more particularly, improve the capacity of NGOs to deliver services in remote areas, and to participate in national policies dialogues (€ 7 million); Senegal: the programme is still in identification phase; it aims at strengthening the capacity of CSOs to respond to sectoral needs, using a « learning by doing » methodology (€ 5,5 million). Cooperation with CSOs within the 10 th EDF

EuropeAid Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme Five Thematic Programmes and two Instruments New paradigm: - Multi-actor orientation - Diversity of financial opportunities - Aid effectiveness debates -Key issues for CSOs and thematic operations? Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid EU Financing Mechanisms Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid Budget and geographical coverage of the Thematic Programmes Budget o Over € 6700 million for o About € 3600 million already contracted for o A total envelope of € 850 million for o Number of budget lines: 25 o Number of contracts per year: o Management of projects: deconcentrated Coverage o All developing countries o Programmes: European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), EDF, DCI Instruments:ENPI, EDF, DCI, Instrument for Pre- Accession Assistance (IPA) Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid Added Value of the Thematic Programmes -To tackle global issues which cannot be addressed well through national or regional programmes. -To disseminate « as soft power » principles and values of the EU in the world. -To support actions without any bilateral negotiations between EU and the concerned partner country (but only with CSOs and very often with international organisations). -An actor oriented approach: CSOs are the main actors under thematic programmes and instruments. Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme Non State Actors and Local Authorities Art. 14 DCI € 702 million for Development actions aiming at promoting inclusive and empowered civil society in partner countries & regions (83%) – Managed by Delegations (In- country and some Multi-countries) and HQ (some Multi-countries) 3. Coordination and networking in Europe (2.5 %) – Management by HQ 2. Awareness raising and development education in Europe (14.5%) – Managed by HQ NSA & LA Thematic Programme objectives

EuropeAid Allocations for CSOs in the ACP countries under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid Allocations for CSOs in the ACP countries under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme cont’d Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid Aid modalities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme General approach: Call for proposals mechanism (restricted call for proposals and in exceptional cases, open calls) -Calls for proposals managed by EU Delegations (79 targeted countries in Annual Action Plan 2011) – objective 1a -Calls for proposals managed by Headquarters - objective 1b, 2 and 3. Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid Future of Aid Delivery Mechanisms New possibilities for aid delivery have been analysed and discussed in the Structured Dialogue (Working Group 3). If the new Financial Regulation (under preparation) allows it, the following mechanisms, inter alia, should be considered: - Direct award in special cases (monopoly) - Sub-granting (with significant amounts) - Possibility to transfer money from member states to the EU - Possibility to transfer money from EU to member states Internal process on simplification of ‘Calls for Proposals’ mechanism, notably in EU Delegations Funding Opportunities under the NSA & LA Thematic Programme

EuropeAid 2. Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results Challenges Despite the comparatively large amount of funding channeled to CSOs, they were primarily considered implementing agencies, rather then real (political) partners in development. The Structured Dialogue process aimed to identify their particular roles and added value. Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid Consultations with Civil Society The EC recognizes the fundamental role of CS in democratic participation to development. Active participation in development policies and programmes is explicitly foreseen in various EC regulations; EDF, Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) and European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI). There are various spaces for consultation in bilateral cooperation with Third Countries and in Thematic Programmes (in the Programming Phase, in the Country Strategy Papers, in the Mid Term Reviews, etc.) This happens both at Headquarters and In-Country (EU Delegations). Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid Main objective of the Structured Dialogue Increasing the effectiveness of all stakeholders involved in EU development cooperation by finding a common understanding on the main issues related to CSOs and LAs involvement in EU development cooperation: - their added value, mandates and the synergies of different categories of actors, the specificity of European (or International) actors and their partnership with local actors; - how to reconcile the Aid Effectiveness principles with the concept of democratic ownership and CSOs’ and LAs’ right of initiative; - how to better support CSOs and LAs with the currently available multiplicity of aid delivery and selection modalities. Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid Underlying assumptions of the Structured Dialogue  The Structured Dialogue was neither to be a policy forum nor a negotiation arena, but an innovative space for dialogue.  Shared understanding that CSOs & LAs are development actors in their own right.  The main objective was to encourage a methodological and systematic restructuring of mutual working relations between the EC, CSOs and LAs, including on EC aid delivery mechanisms. Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid The Structured Dialogue (March 2010 – May 2011) Stakeholders: the European Parliament, EU Member States, the European Commission - both in Headquarters and in 51 EU Delegations - and Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities (European Based networks and platforms and more than 650 CSOs and LAs representatives from 65 EU Partner Countries) Initiative lasted 14 months, involving: o Working Groups Sessions: In Brussels (5 between 2010 and 2011) In 4 Regional Seminars (Africa, Latin America, Asia, ENP) o Online tools: CISOCH (Civil Society Helpdesk) – new help desk devoted entirely to CSOs and LAs - and its BLOG Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid 9 themes synthesised in the Concluding Paper – available online 1.Promoting an Enabling Environment for CSOs and LAs 2.Political Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues 3.Partnerships and Complementarities between Actors 4.Territorial Approaches to Development and LAs and CSOs’ articulation at the local level 5.The Ownership and Alignment Principle 6.The Right of Initiative of CSOs and LAs 7.Multiple Accountability 8.Division of Labour and Harmonisation Among Donors 9.EU Aid Delivery Mechanisms: Alternatives (12 options identified) Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid Recommendations per actor The initial objective was to identify ways to improve the effectiveness of all actors involved, not only the EC, in Development Cooperation, hence: Recommendations to partner Governments Recommendations to CSOs Recommendations to LAs Recommendations to the EU (European commission, European external action service, EU Member States and European Parliament according to their respective mandates) Declaration of Intents adopted in Budapest (19 May 2011) Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid Announcement in Budapest: what institutional follow-up? Communication of the EC on Engaging with CSOs & LAs in development cooperation (2012) DEVCO Unit D2: Stable institutional interface for CSOs and LAs Thematic Programme NSA & LA to be reshaped to support more particularly CSO & LA platforms at different levels Integration of Structured Dialogue conclusions in EU Position on Aid Effectiveness Update of methodological tools for EU Delegations, including on aid delivery and selection mechanisms Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid CSOs and the Multiannual Financial Framework The NSA & LA Thematic Programme is already undergoing a reorientation to translate the strategic shifting into operations - within the current financial regulations. E.g. the possibility of supporting platforms of CSOs in Partner countries, or regional and global networks. These "innovative ideas" will continued to be explored. CSOs’ access to geographic and thematic instruments will be maintained. The NSA & LA Thematic Programme will strengthen its actor-based approach, suited to reflect the renewed engagement of the EC in this partnership. It is a strategic interest of the EC to promote inclusive ownership of development strategies at Partner Country level. Inclusion of CSOs in political dialogue is essential and the EC is ready to do more in order to facilitate the empowerment of CSOs at local level, so as to stimulate demand for public accountability and good governance A suggestion is to introduce concentration and simplification to thematic programmes by reducing them to just two: 'Global public goods and challenges' and 'Non-State actors and local authorities'. Structured Dialogue Process & Main Results

EuropeAid For more information… Please consult the Civil Society Helpdesk CISOCH