外研版 高一 第二册 Module 1 Cultural Corner I. Read about the health care system in three different countries and answer the question.


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Presentation transcript:

外研版 高一 第二册 Module 1

Cultural Corner I. Read about the health care system in three different countries and answer the question.

Which health care system do you think is the best? Write two or three sentences explaining why.

1. 医疗系统 2. 支付 3. 直到最近 II. Read the passage again and translate the following phrases or sentences. 1. the health care system 2. pay for 3.until recently

4. as a result 5. private heath insurance 6. the health insurance company 4. 结果 5. 私人医疗保险 6. 医疗保险公司

7. 英国是世界上第一个实行免费医疗的 国家, 费用由政府部门支付。 Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government.

8. 在英国, 政府部门投入医疗服务的 资金不够。 In Britain the government has not put enough money into the health service.

9. 在美国医院归私人所有, 医疗保 险公司支付医生的工资和医院的 开销。 In America, hospitals are privately owned and the health insurance company pays the doctors and the hospitals.

10. 这种医疗系统的的问题是穷人们没有 钱购买医疗保险。 The problem with this system is that poorer people don’t have the money to pay for private health insurance.

Put the following sentences in the right order. Writing

a. He said that chocolate and cheese can often give you migraine. b. I see lights in front of my eyes and I have to sleep in a dark room. c. He examined me and asked me questions about my symptoms.

d. For three years, I have had very bad headaches about three or four times a month. e. And now I don’t get migraines any more. I feel great! f. I am a sixteen-year-old boy.

g. So I stopped eating chocolate and cheese. h.Two months ago I went to see a doctor about my headaches. the right order is gfdbhcea

Homework Write a passage about a small health problem that you have had. 1.Begin with some information about yourself. 2. Say what the problem was.

3. Explain what you did or what happened. 4. Explain how things ended.