TST Session 2.5. Step 2: Establishing Field Survey Parameters WFP Markets Learning Programme1 Trader Survey Training.


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Presentation transcript:

TST Session 2.5. Step 2: Establishing Field Survey Parameters WFP Markets Learning Programme1 Trader Survey Training

Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to:  Identify the key field survey parameters that should be laid out at the start of the trader survey design (i.e., market chains, products, geography, markets, and traders)  Calculate the number of traders to interview in a comprehensive trader survey WFP Markets Learning Programme 2 Trader Survey Training

Nine Principles guide “The Four Step Approach” Step 2: Establishing field survey parameters Step 1: Formulation of assumptions Step 4: Supervision, analysis and reporting Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training WFP Markets Learning Programme Conducting a Trader Survey

Which parameters? WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 4 Selection of products Timing Selection of market chains Define geography Selection of markets Selection of traders Step 2.c. Step 2.a. Step 2.b. Step 2.d. Step 2.e. Step 2.f. Step 2: Establishing field survey parameters

To consider: 1. When will we begin survey development and other preparations (training, etc.)? How long will this take? 2. When will we begin collecting trader data? How long will this take? 3. How long will it take us to analyse data and produce conclusions? To add our recommendations to the EFSA (or other WFP analytical report)? WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 5 TimingStep 2.a. 5 minutes with a partner: What key factors are likely to be driving this calendar?

Select market chains that:  have substantial bearing on FS of affected livelihood groups (consider gender as well)  are likely most affected by shock  deliver services to likely food- insecure groups Limit # of market chains to 2-3 Establish list of relevant regional and (trans) national markets linked to ‘our’ local markets for each market chain WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 6 Selection of market chains Step 2.b. Example: Guinea-Bissau TS focused on cashews (cash crop for 70-80% of farmers) & imported rice (the principal food staple). Both market chains were affected by global price developments.

If you were to conduct a trader survey in this city, on which market chains would you focus? WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 7 Selection of market chainsStep 2.b.

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 8 Selection of productsStep 2.c. Each market chain, reduce complexity: concentrate on 1 or 2 products (more products can be included in price data collection). Select products:  that play major role in food security  that are relevant for expected food insecure livelihoods groups  that are currently traded  for which survey team expects to be able to conduct meaningful analysis 1212

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 9 Selection of productsStep 2.c. Note: Provision of daily labour can be an important livelihood activity It should therefore be selected also as a “product” Although labour is not specifically mentioned in analysis plan & questionnaires, it should be included if it is expected to be important for the livelihood groups 1212

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 10 Geo-zone of TS should encompass: Local markets (markets used by target population) Regional & (trans) national markets for selected market chains Note: Because we wish to know how local markets are linked to surplus and deficit areas, the geo- zone for TS may go beyond the zone of the HH or community survey Define geographyStep 2.d. Example: TS as part of food security assessment in one department (e.g. in Tahoua, Niger) will also assess regional markets in neighbouring departments (Maradi, Niamey) and across the border (Jibia, Kano in Nigeria) as they are all interlinked.

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 11 If you were to conduct a trader survey in this city, what other markets would you assess? What markets are “interlinked” n with the markets here? Define geographyStep 2.d.

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 12 Selection of marketsStep 2.e. Guiding principles in selection of markets:  Need to get balanced view of market chains relevant to our target groups  Must assess local conditions & broader response capacity  Often: only purposively selected sample is possible

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 13 Selection of marketsStep 2.e. For a comprehensive TS, include:  Local markets used by people interviewed in the FS assessment  Aim to cover total # of local markets covering 25% (+/-) of # of villages; 50% if conditions diverge greatly  For the regional, (trans)national markets, include subset of district & regional capitals in FS assessment zone & major trading hubs linked to these markets; aim to include 10 of these markets (in no case, more than 50% of your local markets) Example-Bangladesh Sidr Cyclone TS Local markets in 50% of villages (31 in all), 10 district level & 4 regional markets were selected. For Initial EFSA or rapid TS, lighter approach will do.

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 14 At local markets, for each market chain, interview:  2 collectors (traders purchasing from producers & selling to traders)  2 retailers (traders purchasing from traders & selling to consumers)  2 wholesalers (traders purchasing from & selling to traders) At regional/national markets, for each market chain, interview 2 wholesalers At each market: interview 1 key resource person about market functioning & general conditions Selection of tradersStep 2.f.

Actual selection of traders on site should be randomly conducted:  Get estimate of total # of traders  Divide by the number of traders you need to interview  Interview each “n th” trader, starting from randomly selected trader Note of caution: this does not lead to random sample as market locations & number of traders per market have been purposively selected. This has consequences for interpretation of results. WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 15 Selection of tradersStep 2.f.

Key resource person at each market may be:  “head” of market  government agent responsible for market monitoring  president of trader association  if all others are unavailable: a large trader willing to answer questions Who might you potentially look for in this country as a key market resource person? WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 16 Selection of tradersStep 2.f.

WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 17 Background: The Food Security Assessment covers 100 villages A Comprehensive Trader Survey is planned Two market chains are selected (cereals & livestock) The survey takes places outside harvesting season With a partner: How many interviews should be conducted for this comprehensive trader survey? Exercise 2.5. Trader Survey Sample Calculation

This leads to a total of 300 interviews, which requires a substantial effort. To make this happen, questionnaires should be simple. This example also shows that it is necessary to limit the number of market chains included in the survey. WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 18 Quick Quiz Answers Comprehensive Trader Survey Local cereal markets: 25 X 4 traders100 traders (50 retail; 50 wholesale) Local livestock markets: 25 X 4 traders100 traders (50 retail; 50 wholesale) Regional, nat’l markets: 10 X 2 market chains X 2 traders 40 traders (all wholesale) On each market (60), 1 key resource person 60 persons

Wrap-up WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 19 Which parameters? Selection of products Timing Selection of market chains Define geography Selection of markets Selection of traders Step 2.c. Step 2.a. Step 2.b. Step 2.d. Step 2.e. Step 2.f. Step 2: Establishing field survey parameters