Reading and discussing HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARD 广东省 肇庆市 肇庆鼎湖中学 区敏芳.


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Unit 5 Using language.
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Heroic teenager receives award
I wish we have a great cooperation!
Unit 5 First aid Using language.
Heroic teenager receives award
Presentation transcript:

Reading and discussing HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARD 广东省 肇庆市 肇庆鼎湖中学 区敏芳

Can you guess the main idea from the word list below? So what happen? Read the title and the bald letters to find out more.

Read the article and then put these events in the order. __ The attacker ran away. __ Anne was attacked and started to scream. __ John performed first aid on Anne __ John was studying in his house. __ The ambulance arrived. __ John ran outside with his father. __ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds

Read the text again and find out the answers. What happened to Mrs. Slade? What did John do? (mark out the steps)

1.He used some tea towels and tape to 2. treat the most severe injuries to Anne ’ s hands. 3. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived. What first aid did John perform on Anne?

John was ________(honour) for giving lifesaving first aid ____ his neighbour after a _________(shock) knife attack. The award ceremony recognized the ________(brave) of 10 lifesavers. Ann had been stabbed __________(repeat) and was lying _________(bleed) heavily. It was John’s quick action ______ saved her life. John and his father used tea towels and tape to treat the most severe injuries. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure ___ the wounds _____ the police and ambulance arrived. John was proud of _____ he had done. When ____________ (congratulate) John, Mr. Alan Southerton said, “______ is no doubt that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills saved Ann’s life. A knowledge of first aid can make ____ real difference.” honoured on shocking bravery repeatedly bleeding that to until what congratulating There a

Expression for further consolidation a shocking knife attack stab repeatedly bleed heavily apply pressure to the wounds there is no doubt that …

. What do you think of John? Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give reasons. What adjectives would you use to describe John ’ s actions? Give at least three.

What will you do if you were the college students in the event? Do you think of better ways? 下午两点多钟,在荆州市沙市区长江边两名十二三岁 男溺水,当时十几名大一学生见势组成人梯下水救人, 其中还有不会游泳的和女同学,当第二个小孩快救上 岸时,由于一个女同学体力不支所以链接从她那儿断 了,人梯散了,自她以后的九名大学生落水,顿时救 喊声一片,在溺水附近就有两条渔船,船上有人,但 没一个人去救落水的同学。此时,恰好碰上冬泳队三 名六十来岁的老人,经过他们和同学们的奋力营救, 只救起了六名大学生,其他三名大学生因为没有及时 得到救助而溺水牺牲。 (2009,10)

Summary Strategy: language Knowledge What ’ s your idea for helping other? What if there were danger?