Navajo Culture.


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Presentation transcript:

Navajo Culture

History of the Navajo The Navajo people migrated south from Canada in the 13th century. The Navajo were originally hunters and gatherers, but after settling near the Pueblo Indians, they began to adopt and modify the Pueblo artistic traditions. Historians believe that the Navajo first learned their weaving skills from the Pueblo Indians. The Navajo believe their knowledge came for the “Spider Woman” a mythical Navajo deity.

The Churro Sheep The churro sheep were the main source of wool for the Navajo. This breed was especially good because of the extra long wool they produced. The Navajo would raise, sheer, clean, card, dye the wool, build the vertical looms and create the woven masterpieces.

Vertical Loom

Trading Posts Initially, Navajo weavings were made as functional items for the Navajo and as items to trade with other tribes. Trading Posts or “ General Stores” changed the direction and focus of the Navajo weavings.

The Railroad With the railroad stretching from east to west, many changes were brought to the Navajos. A new market opened up for their weavings. Tourists and Easterners were now the main purchasers of the Navajo weavings. This influence impacted the designs of the weavings. Easterners were looking for woven rugs to compliment their Victorian homes. With the railroad also came the opportunity to purchase wools already spun and dyed making the weaving process quicker and less expensive for the prospective buyers.

A Woman’s Role Weaving is traditionally done by women, a skill learned at a very young age passed down from generation to generation. Before any weaving could be done, the women were responsible for the planting, gathering, cooking, sewing, raising of the children. After all these tasks were completed, the women were then able to work on their looms.

Classic In the early days of Navajo weaving, most rugs and blankets were horizontal bands of natural dyed wools.

Germantown Weavings From 1875 to the 1900’s,the Navajo were able to obtain the brilliant red wools from Germantown Pennsylvania. This now allowed the weavers to experiment with bold contrasting colors, patterns, and symmetrical designs.

Wedge weave Wedge weaves or zigzags are very rare today. The diagonal lines were achieved by pulling the interior warp framework at angles rather than simply weaving a diagonal pattern.

Pictorial Weavings Influenced by the railroad and tourists, Navajo weavers began creating pictorial rugs and blankets. These were made specifically to sell to tourists for cash so they may in turn purchase needed items.

Navajo Weaving Today Contemporary Navajo artist D.Y. Begay says “Practicing the art of weaving involves my views, my goals, my life. What I do as a wife, a mother, artist, business person, community member, all ties in with my weaving. Begay uses traditional Navajo techniques in creating her weavings, she raises the sheep, sheers their wool, uses natural dyes to create her colors and weaves on a vertical loom made by her brother. In creating her designs, she is heavily influenced by her heritage but also includes inspiration from our modern times.

References Getty artsednet. Google. Navajo images Native America, Arts, Traditions, and Celebrations By Christine Mather Sharron Holland 8th grade introduction to Navajo weavings Corning Free Academy