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Slavery in 19th Century America Did slavery impede or help the development of the South?

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Presentation on theme: "Slavery in 19th Century America Did slavery impede or help the development of the South?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slavery in 19th Century America Did slavery impede or help the development of the South?

2 Economics of Slavery Early 1800s $600 - cost of a slave - $15 - crop value per slave - 1850s $1800 $125 I consider the labor of a breeding woman as no object, and that a child raised every 2 years is of more profit than the crop of the best laboring man. - Thomas Jefferson

3 Impact on the Economic Development of the South In agricultural settings where slavery was common: 1 in 4 families owned slaves over 20% of whites were illiterate capital tied up in slavery - no extra for transport of goods and development of industry Northerners became the middle men to sell the cash crops and import manufactured goods


5 Slaves: Family Life Slave women expected to cook, clean, and care for the family after a full day in the field Older women took care of both white and black children Slave children and whites often played together and were cared for by the same person Slave children, ages 6-10, given small tasks "No one knows but myself what feeling I have for him. Black as he is we were raised together."

6 Care of Slaves Infant mortality 2X that of whites Life expectancy 5 years less than whites Slave population increased by natural means Families separated due to increase for need of slaves in the Western states

7 Slave Revolts 1822 - Conspiracy of Denmark Vesey Free Black in South Carolina Planned revolt for 5 years Several slaves lost their nerves, and informed their owners Vesey and 36 others killed; approx. 30 deported 1831 - Nat Turner's RebellionNat Turner's Rebellion 57 Whites dead 2800 troops and 1 week to end 55 Blacks killed

8 White Response Free slaves deported from slave states Laws passed making it difficult for slave owners to free slaves

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